Rajasthan government plans to offer free e-mail for citizens

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The Rajasthan government is planning to offer e-mail service to its citizens for official communication. The proposed facility is meant for beneficiaries of the Bhamashah scheme under which the state provides various benefits and subsidies to people.

According to the source, the bid has been finalised. People will be able to register for e-mail ID on the Rajasthan.in website where they will have to link their Bhamashah or Aadhaar identity.
“…whenever a resident gets his or her Bhamashah Card, an electronic kitty consisting of his or her Bhamashah enrolment details (eCard), eVault… and a free e-mail account shall be automatically provisioned by a system and notifications of the same shall be sent to the resident on his or her registered mobile number and/or e-mail,” a bid document floated by the government said.

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