Internet shutdowns costing the economy approximately $678.4 million

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With the government ordering frequent internet shutdowns, approximately $3.04 billion has been lost due to interrupted economic activity as India faced around 16,315 hours of internet shutdown during 2012-2017, a report released by Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) said.


The report also states that as of September 2017, India with 54 shutdowns had topped the list of 30 countries that witnessed shutdowns in the preceding 21 months. In 2017, the number of internet shutdowns in India more than doubled from 2016, while the total hours of shutdown increased by only 20% and there have been 12,615 hours of mobile internet shutdowns in India costing the economy approximately $2.37 billion during the period 2012 to 2017 and around 3,700 hours of mobile and fixed line internet shutdowns costing the economy approximately $678.4 million during the same period

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