Super Sensory activities to spend good time with your kid in holidays

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Super sensory activities for the blind child have come to the forefront of the conscious attention. The reason is not far to seek. To engage a visually impaired kid’s senses during play is a great way to develop their skills. It is all the more important when the kid is visually impaired.

Super sensory activities for visually impaired kids have the potential of encouraging learning, enhancing body awareness and strengthening their understanding of auditory clues. The super sensory activities must be safe for the kids to enjoy them. These activities should be adapted for the visually impaired. It is in the fitness of things that these super sensory activities should be performed under the supervision of adults.

Sensory activities stimulate the senses of the kids. These senses include touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight. They help the children develop cognitively. Many are in the mistaken belief that there is no use for a visually impaired child to participate in sensory activities. But this is not true.

Sensory activities are a great way to build language skills for visually impaired kids. If you are blind it is very difficult to understand the meaning of the word ‘slimy’ without touching something slimy. Sensory activities can help a blind kid be kind be confident, productive, make friends, develop positive feelings about others,

Searching for toys for visually impaired kids can seem stressful. This is even truer in the case when you don’t know the child well. When you choose a toy for a visually impaired kid, you should think about all the senses.

Though there many ideas for super sensory activities most of them don’t take visually impairment into account. Hence it is essential to develop accessible sensory activities. Playing with sound toys should be on any list of the best toys for kids who are blind or visually impaired.

It would be a good idea to change the colors in the sensory activity. Some kids with low vision respond to certain colors, like red or yellow. You can also add sound make an activity accessible to the blind kid. When you are developing a sensory activity which includes paint, it is advisable to include puffy paint. This will help your visually impaired child feel their art when it dries.

If you kid puts everything they touch directly to their mouth, try to include those items that are safe to eat. For instance, you can use tapioca pearls instead of using water beads in your sensory activity.

Last but not the least, it would be a daunting task to supervise those kids who have the propensity to put everything they touch directly to their mouth. Hence you should ensure that the toys are safe and don’t contain chemicals.

It takes a lot of time to think of super sensory activities for visually impaired kids. However one thing is for sure. Whenever you create super sensory activities, keep it simple, fun and accessible.

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