Zebronics Leads by Example with CSR Initiatives

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Zebronics, India’s leading supplier of IT peripherals, Audio/Video products and Surveillance products, has done many CSR Activities in last 3 months. All the CSR efforts are done through in-house team. Here the idea is to do the activities in-house in way that it’s not just money spending exercise but the team understands the activities and we do it whole heartily with vision to make a difference.

Yoga and therapy classes for an old age home in Chennai, we have hired one instructor who takes 2 classes weekly. It has been running for past 5 months now.

Under orphan sponsorship program we have included 2 more kids in last 3 months. Under this program all the education expenses like school fees, books, uniform etc are sponsored till the class 10.

Regular blood donation camp are held at Zebronics campus, 47 people donated blood in the last camp in June.

Buttermilk distribution – In beating Heat of summer, Zebronics distributed buttermilk to provide relief to bikers & walkers in the scorching heat ( 50 litres Buttermilk Distribution for 10 Days, may 2015).

Saplings distribution – Zebronics sponsored 2000 sapling distribution on marina beach, June 2016.

Old age home visit – Zebronics team took old age home to city darshan (boating, beach, church and temples), followed by lunch, June 2016.

ZEB Learn – Independence day celebration with orphan mentally challenged children, Zebronics Team celebrated independence day with them by organizing fun activities like Drawing competition, Dot, bowling & yoga generic exercise for 100 members along with distributed fruits and gifts.

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