Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have welcomed a baby via surrogate. Global star Priyanka Chopra shared on Friday night that she and her husband Nick Jonas have welcomed a baby via surrogacy. The actor asked for privacy during ‘this special time’ to focus on her family. This is Priyanka and Nick’s first child. They got married in 2018. Sharing a note on Instagram tagging Nick, Priyanka wrote, “We are overjoyed to confirm that we have welcomed a baby via surrogate. We respectfully ask for privacy during this special time as we focus…
Day: January 22, 2022
2 dead, several injured as massive fire breaks out at Mumbai high-rise
At least two people were killed and several wounded in a major fire that erupted in a multi-storey building near Bhatia Hospital in Mumbai early morning on Saturday. At least two people were killed and several others wounded in a major fire that erupted in a multi-storey building near Bhatia Hospital in Mumbai early morning on Saturday. Initial reports stated that the fire broke out around 7:30 am on the eighteenth floor of Kamla Building in Nana Chowk in the city’s Tardeo area. The wounded were shifted to Bhatia hospital.…
No mobile network, no vote: Villagers in 3 Odisha districts boycott panchayat polls
Three districts in Odisha have declared a boycott of the upcoming panchayat polls, which will be held in five stages from February 16 to 24. Reeling under an information blockade of sorts due to lack of cellular connectivity in the absence of a mobile network, villagers of three districts in Odisha have decided to boycott the upcoming Panchayat elections in Odisha. The villagers complained that a lack of mobile connectivity has deprived them of accessing timely healthcare and online studies for children. “Throughout the lockdown, our children were unable to…