Samajwadi Party (SP) chief Akhilesh Yadav on Tuesday slammed the Bhartiya Janta Party-led Centre saying thatGynavapi-like incidents are a part of the party’s “hate calendar”, and are a deliberate attempt to avoid addressing issues of inflation and unemployment. Speaking with media persons, Yadav said, “Gynavapi-like incidents are being deliberately stirred up by the BJP itself or by their aides behind a veil. Fuel and food are getting expensive. They don’t have an answer on inflation and unemployment. BJP has a hate calendar to bring up such issues until elections.” Further…
Month: May 2022
It is crucial that Industry and Academia must not only work together but also grow together
Minister of State, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers; and Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India – Shri Bhagwanth Khuba inaugurated the “Industry Connect with Centre of Excellence Conclave under DCPC” at Habitat World, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The event was organised by Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering & Technology (CIPET) under Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals (DCPC). The Union MoS appreciated the efforts carried out by Centre of Excellences (CoEs) in developing the indigenous technology to fulfill the mission of Hon’ble Prime Minister’s mission of Aatma…
DRDO & Indian Navy conduct successful maiden flight-test of indigenously-developed Naval Anti-Ship Missile
Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Indian Navy successfully conducted maiden flight-test of indigenously-developed Naval Anti-Ship Missile launched from a Naval Helicopter from Integrated Test Range (ITR), Chandipur off the coast of Odisha on May 18, 2022. The mission met all its objectives. It is the first indigenous air launched anti-ship missile system for the Indian Navy. The missile followed the desired sea skimming trajectory and reached the designated target with high degree of accuracy, validating the control, guidance and mission algorithms. All the sub-systems performed satisfactorily. The sensors…
Bharti Foundation and Avaya to facilitate ‘Digital Classrooms’ in Jodhpur’s Satya Bharti Schools
Bharti Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises, partnered with Avaya for support towards setting up eight Digital Classrooms in Satya Bharti Schools in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. The objective is to empower students by developing future-ready skills to help them become responsible digital citizens, innovators, communicators, and global collaborators. The concept is to use TV and high-quality content apps to support quality teaching sessions in schools across rural areas. This set up will help improve the learning experience of students, using smart TV along with a mobile/ tablet for chrome casting for ease in…
ECI to share experience and expertise with EMBs of other Democracies
A four member US delegation led by HE Ms. Uzra Zeya, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights called upon Chief Election Commissioner Shri Rajiv Kumar and Election Commissioner Shri Anup Chandra Pandey at Nirvachan Sadan, New Delhi today. As part of ‘Summit for Democracy’, a decision has been taken to request India to lead the ‘Democracy Cohort on Election Integrity’ and share its knowledge, technical expertise and experiences with other democracies of the world. ECI has been requested to also provide training and capacity building programmes to…
Prime Minister Narendra Modi wishes grand success to Cannes Film Festival
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has expressed happiness on India’s participation as ‘Country of Honour’ at the Cannes Film festival this year. In a message the Prime Minister noted that India’s participation comes at the momentous meeting of celebration of 75 years of India’s independence, 75th anniversary of Cannes Film Festival and 75 years of diplomatic relations between India and France. Positioning India as the largest film producing country in the world, the Prime Minister said that multifariousness of our film sector is remarkable and rich heritage and cultural diversity are…
Vice President calls for developing capabilities in new and emerging areas of warfare such as information & cyber war
The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu today said that the hybrid nature of conflicts coupled with increasing use of drones and cyber warfare has brought a paradigm shift to the battlefield and asked our armed forces to develop capabilities in these new and emerging areas. It should be our vision to develop the Indian military into a ‘future force’, he said. Addressing the officers and staff of Defence Services Staff College, Wellington today, the Vice President said that India is facing multiple security challenges in a highly complex and unpredictable geo-political environment.…
Inaugurates Ambedkar Avenue and addresses Indian Community and friends of India in Kingston
The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind, landed at the Norman Manley International Airport, Kingston, Jamaica in the evening of May 15, 2022, where he was received by Governor General of Jamaica, H.E. The Most Hon Sir Patrick Allen, Prime Minister of Jamaica, H.E. Andrew Holness and other dignitaries. The President was accorded a guard of honour on his arrival. This is the first ever visit of an Indian President to Jamaica which is taking place in the 60th anniversary year of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two…
IndiGo staff inappropriately handled child with special needs: DGCA fact finding committee
The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) set up a fact finding committee to probe IndiGo for denying boarding to a differently abled child earlier this month. After the committee found the airline to be at fault for not complying with regulations, the civil aviation regulator has issued a show cause notice to IndiGo. The airline now has to explain to the regulator why it didn’t take suitable action against those not complying with regulations. “The findings of the committee prima facie indicate inappropriate handling of passengers by the IndiGo staff thereby…
Bhartiyata, nationalism: Congress top brass meet in Delhi, releases Udaipur declaration
After a brainstorming session on organisational reforms, Congress released a detailed copy of its Udaipur declaration. The party resolved that all members would protect and follow Gandhian values and the Nehruvian idea of India. Congress top brass met once again on Tuesday to chalk out a future course of action on organisational reforms discussed during the three-day Chintan Shivir held in Rajasthan’s Udaipur. The party has also released a detailed copy of its Udaipur declaration. Congress party’s general secretaries, in-charges and CLP leaders, including Priyanka Gandhi were present at the…