Union Home Minister Amit Shah is scheduled to visit the National Academy of Coastal Policing (NACP) at Okha in Gujarat on Saturday for the ‘bhoomi poojan’ and the foundation stone laying ceremony of the institution. Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla and Director General BSF SL Thaosen will also be attending the programme. According to officials, he will also e-inaugurate five coastal outposts of BSF situated off the Jakhau coast in the Kutch district as well as one OP Tower at Lakhpatwari in the Sir Creek area in the state. The National Academy…
Day: May 20, 2023
RBI withdraws ‘Rs 2,000’ note: Exchange facility available in banks till September 30
RBI withdraws Rs 2,000 note: The Reserve Bank of India has decided to withdraw the Rs 2,000 denomination banknotes from circulation but they will continue to remain as legal tender. It has advised banks to stop issuing Rs 2,000 denomination banknotes with immediate effect. Meanwhile, RBI said that citizens will continue to be able to deposit Rs 2,000 banknotes into their bank accounts and/or exchange them into banknotes of other denominations at any bank branch up to September 30, 2023. The Rs 2,000 denomination banknote was introduced in November 2016, primarily…
PM Modi in Hiroshima: Prime Minister Narendra Modi also extended his gratitude to the Japanese Government for placing the bust of Mahatma Gandhi in Hiroshima.
PM Modi in Hiroshima: During his visit to Japan , Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a bust of Mahatma Gandhi in Hiroshima where the annual summit of the G7 group is taking place. PM Modi arrived in Hiroshima on the first leg of his three-nation trip to Japan, Papua New Guinea and Australia and is expected to take part in over 40 engagements. Speaking to reporters in Hiroshima, after unveiling the bust of Mahatma Gandhi, PM Modi said that even today the world gets frightened when they listen to the…