The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi replied to the Motion of No Confidence in Lok Sabha today. Addressing the House, the Prime Minister said that he has come to express immense gratitude towards each and every citizen of India for repeatedly showing their trust in the government. He recalled commenting that it is not a floor test for the government but for those who introduced it in the house in 2018 when the opposition brought a no-confidence motion. “When we went to polls in 2019, the people had declared no…
Day: August 11, 2023
Serious irregularities in Ayushman Bharat scheme in Madhya Pradesh: 403 “dead” patients got over ₹ 1.1 crore
CAG report has highlighted issues including beneficiary validation errors, shortcomings in claim handling, lapses by State Health Authorities, and more. The CAG in its pan-India audit has found serious irregularities in the Ayushman Bharat scheme in Madhya Pradesh. Over ₹1.1 crore was paid to about 403 patients who were declared ‘dead’ in the database. Around 8,000 patients were shown to be hospitalized at multiple hospitals. The audit stated that 25 hospitals had submitted claims for 81 patients twice for various surgical treatments. The audit names 24 state hospitals, including a…
Russia is racing against India, sends Spacecraft to Moon; weeks After Chandrayaan-3 Launch
Russia launched its first probe to the Moon in almost 50 years on Friday, a mission designed to give fresh impetus to its space sector. The launch of the Luna-25 probe is Moscow’s first lunar mission since 1976 when the USSR was a pioneer in the conquest of space. The spacecraft is due to reach lunar orbit in five days. Russia Sends Spacecraft to Moon, Weeks After Chandrayaan-3 Launch. Putin has pledged to continue Russia’s space programme despite sanctions, pointing to the USSR’s sending of the first man into space…