Tableau by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs showcases tribal welfare through quality education in Eklavya Model Residential Schools

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In line with the vision of celebrating our glorious tribal heritage, a tableau by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs showcasing tribal welfare through quality education in Eklavya Model Residential Schools established for ST children across the country featured at the national Republic Day Parade today.

Twenty-three tableaux, seventeen from States/Union Territories and six from various Ministries/Departments, depicting the nation’s rich cultural heritage, economic progress and strong internal and external security rolled down the Kartavya Path during the Republic Day parade on January 26, 2023.

This year was special for the Ministry of Tribal Affairs as a tableau on Eklavya Model Residential School (EMRS) scheme was displayed during Republic Day Celebrations for the first time. The selection process involved scrutiny of tableaux proposals from various States/UTs by an expert committee and several rounds of interactions by the committee members with representatives of the States on the theme, presentation, aesthetics and technical elements of the tableau. Eklavya Model Residential Schools established by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, under EMRS scheme, ensure that quality education must reach the tribal communities inhabiting the remotest parts of the country much the way education was imparted in the lap of nature during times of Gurukuls in ancient India, albeit with all modern amenities.

The front portion of the tableau showcased the emphasis of the Ministry on “Nari Shakti” symbolic of girl education, ensuring equal enrolment of tribal boys and girls  at EMRSs.  It also emphasized the desire of the tribal students to conquer the world through education. An archetypical pen, illustrative of learning, in the shape of Eklavya’s bow and arrow reflects the single-eyed mission with which tribal students of EMRSs shape their future and realize their dreams. The projection of the knowledge tree in the rear portion reverberated the spread of knowledge and wisdom from EMRS teachers to students and the conservation of tribal culture in its natural landscape which is one of the objectives of EMRSs.

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