PM Narendra Modi Returns Triumphantly to India After Historic G7 Summit in Italy

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi has returned to New Delhi following his highly successful participation in the G7 summit held in Italy, where he engaged in pivotal discussions with global leaders and emphasized India’s proactive role on the world stage. Here’s a detailed account of his visit and key outcomes:

Significant Engagement at the G7 Summit:

PM Modi’s presence at the G7 summit marked his first international visit after assuming office for the third consecutive term. He actively participated in discussions covering a wide array of global issues, including climate change, economic recovery post-pandemic, and strengthening global health governance. Meetings with world leaders such as US President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy provided opportunities to strengthen bilateral ties and discuss mutual concerns.

Commitment to Human-Centric Development and Technology:

During the G7 Outreach session on AI, Energy, Africa, and the Mediterranean, PM Modi advocated for harnessing technology to address social inequalities and promote inclusive growth. He highlighted India’s approach to artificial intelligence, stressing the importance of transparency, security, accessibility, and responsibility in AI deployment for societal benefit. Emphasized the need for enhanced representation of the Global South, particularly Africa, in global decision-making forums to address their unique challenges and priorities.

Bilateral Meetings with Global Leaders:

PM Modi held bilateral discussions with several leaders on the sidelines of the summit, reinforcing India’s strategic partnerships and diplomatic outreach. Key meetings included interactions with US President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Italian Premier Giorgia Meloni, Pope Francis, and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida. These engagements underscored India’s commitment to strengthening bilateral ties, fostering economic cooperation, and addressing regional and global challenges collectively.

Strategic Infrastructure Initiatives and Economic Corridors:

The G7 summit endorsed specific infrastructure projects, including the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC), aimed at enhancing connectivity and promoting economic integration across regions. IMEC seeks to establish a comprehensive network of transport routes linking Saudi Arabia, India, the United States, and Europe, fostering trade, investment, and strategic cooperation. Viewed as a response to initiatives like China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), IMEC aligns with allied nations’ efforts to bolster regional connectivity and influence.

Global Commitments and Diplomatic Alliances:

Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to a “free and open Indo-Pacific,” emphasizing adherence to international law and shared values of democracy, human rights, and rule of law. PM Modi’s active participation in summit deliberations underscored India’s role as a responsible global actor, contributing to global peace, security, and sustainable development. The summit concluded with a communique outlining joint commitments to global infrastructure development, technology governance, and support for Ukraine amidst ongoing geopolitical challenges.

Historical Significance and Future Prospects:

Pope Francis’s participation in the G7 summit alongside global leaders highlighted the collective resolve to address pressing global issues and promote dialogue across diverse stakeholders. PM Modi’s address at the Outreach session and proactive engagement at the summit demonstrated India’s proactive stance on global challenges and commitment to fostering multilateral cooperation.

PM Narendra Modi’s participation in the G7 summit in Italy underscored India’s pivotal role in global affairs, reaffirming its commitment to inclusive development, technology governance, and strategic infrastructure initiatives. His return to India marks a significant milestone as India continues to navigate complex global challenges and contribute positively to shaping a secure and prosperous world order.


(With inputs from agencies)

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