Congress’ new headquarters: In a significant development for the Congress party, Sonia Gandhi on Wednesday inaugurated the newly established party headquarters ‘Indira Bhawan’ in Delhi. The inauguration ceremony was attended by Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge, MP Rahul Gandhi, and several other prominent party leaders. The headquarters is named after the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi — in a tribute to her legacy and contributions to the nation and the party. The new office, located at 9A, Kotla Road, marks a historic moment for the party’s legacy spanning over 139 years.
The event saw party leaders hoist the party flag at the new headquarters and the singing of ‘Vande Mataram’ and the national anthem. Sonia Gandhi then inaugurated the building, asking Kharge to join her in cutting the ribbon at the entry of the building. As per the party release, the new AICC headquarters is named after former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, symbolising the Congress Party’s continuing mission to uphold the vision of its stalwarts. “As the party that led India’s freedom movement under the leadership of luminaries like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Sardar Patel, the Congress has remained steadfast in its dedication to building a modern, democratic, and equitable India”, the release said.
The Indira Gandhi Bhawan is designed to meet the evolving needs of the party and its leaders, featuring modern facilities to support administrative, organisational, and strategic activities, the release added. The Congress party will not vacate its present 24, Akbar Road office, which has been its headquarters since 1978 after the Congress (I) was formed, and it will continue to house some of its cells, news agency PTI reported citing sources.
The construction of the new AICC headquarters was delayed by several years owing to “paucity of funds” ever since the Congress lost its government at the Centre. The BJP has also not vacated its old party headquarters at 11, Ashoka Road, even after shifting to its new headquarters at Deendayal Upadhyay Marg. Congress old-timers and romantics agree that modern amenities and a larger area are the need of the hour but the emotional connect and unfolding of history associated with the 24, Akbar Road address will always stay strong.
(With agency inputs)