Akshaya Patra launches Feed the Future Now Movement

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The Akshaya Patra Foundation (TAPF) along with partners under the Feed The Future Now have come together to pledge their support in better future of our children. 

The organization has signed up with GlaxoSmithkline, PepsiCo, Nestle, Reliance Fresh, Viacom18, Facebook, Big FM, PVR Cinemas and The Lalit Group of Hotels under the banner of #FeedTheFutureNow. 

Feed The Future Now is a movement for social change that aims to provide 5 billion meals by 2020. The movement envisions to garner support from the public sector, private sector, media and the civil society at large to drive a common mission for the government, corporates, development sector partners and individuals.  


India has one of the world’s highest demographics of children suffering from malnutrition. According to World Bank estimates around 60 million children in India are underweight and around 58.4 per cent are anaemic. Malnutrition is an obstacle to a child’s health, education and survival. The quality of food a child consumes may be deficient in micronutrients (known as ‘hidden hunger’) such as the vitamins and minerals and this could have an adverse impact on their overall growth and development.

The participants of the ‘Feed The Future Now’ movement, champions from the development and corporate world, urge the people of india – from the government to each one of you – to come together in providing 5 billion meals to underserved children by 2020. We pledge our support in bringing down malnourishment to build a better future for india.

TAPF works with the objective of providing nutritious mid-day meals, so that no child in India is deprived of quality education due to malnutrition.

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