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The decision of central government to scrap 20 year old vehicles to control pollution is really shocking. All the vehicles are required to carry certificate showing its pollution is within limits on the date of travel. Then how come pollution is caused by vehicles?


The rural side of India is pollution free, then why should their vehicles be scrapped?

Pollution is more caused by various industries is a well-known fact. Then why is government not scrapping these industries with same criteria and raze them down after 20 years of existence? Reason is also given that by scrapping old vehicles, automotive industry will get impetus and lift the economy. But do they understand who use vehicles of 10 years and above. It is the common man and rural people who cannot afford the exorbitant cost of new vehicle.


Moreover when the vehicle is certified pollution free and fit, why should it be scrapped? I am a retired employee , my vehicle is old, the usage is very low, but I maintain the car for emergencies or for my children’s use when they visit me. It is in excellent condition with valid pollution certificate from time to time. The government’s offer of giving paltry Rs 5/10 thousands is rediculous and insane for exchanging the vehicle. It is also foolish to expect all scrapped vehicles would be replaced.


The vehicle replacement may go up by hardly 25% as these common people cannot afford to replace their vehicles, more so with high cost of new high breed and electric vehicles. Vehicle scrappage policy abroad is ok where the cost of repairs is very high in India, labour cost is so low that vehicle can be maintained for years together. Here the mechanic charges hardly Rs.500, whereas for the same work abroad, the mechanic charges $500. The vehicle cost in India is Rs 3,00,000 whereas the same vehicle costs abroad $30,000.


Compare the mechanic charges with cost of vehicle here and abroad. Pollution is caused not only by vehicles and industries but by all including you and me who give out carbon dioxide while breathing. Pollution in Indian cities is high due to large number of vehicles, narrow roads, density of population and political corruption which allowed cities to grow for greed and without proper planning and environmental control. For the lapse of these authorities, common people have to pay and bear the brunt sacrifice.


How long the common man has to suffer? Does the vehicle scrappage policy in any way effect the rich and politicians? They hardly use any vehicle for more than 5 years. They are the real culprits running industries, mushrooming the cities with no civic sense polluting the cities? Today, a vehicle has become common for every house like tv and smartphone. Your paper boy or milk delivery boy in the morning come on vehicle. The cities services are running due to these vehicles.


Enforce the laws which are sufficient to stop pollution from vehicles. The incompetency of the authorities concerned cannot be looked down. The government should understand the plight of the common man, if this policy enforced. It will be misery for the people. Please spare the personal passenger vehicles two, three wheelers and light motor vehicles from this policy. If you agree with me, please FORWARD THIS MESSAGE TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS PEOPLE SO THAT IT REACHES THE CONCERNED AUTHORITIES.

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