As the 2025 Delhi Assembly elections draw near, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal has alleged that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is planning a raid at the residence of senior party leader Manish Sisodia. The claim, based on “reliable sources,” has heightened political tensions in the capital, with elections for Delhi’s 70 Assembly seats scheduled next month.
Kejriwal’s Allegations
Kejriwal’s accusations come in the wake of previous legal troubles faced by Manish Sisodia, the former deputy chief minister and excise minister. Sisodia was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in March 2023 in connection with a money laundering case linked to Delhi’s excise policy for 2021-22. After spending 17 months in jail, he was released in August 2024.
The AAP supremo claimed on social media that the BJP is resorting to such measures out of “bewilderment” over their anticipated poor performance in the upcoming polls. Kejriwal also alleged that the BJP is orchestrating future arrests of senior AAP leaders, including Delhi Chief Minister Atishi, as a reaction to the party’s welfare schemes like the Mahila Samman Yojana and Sanjeevani Yojana.
BJP’s Counterclaim
The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) dismissed Kejriwal’s allegations, calling them a “desperate sympathy stunt.” Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva issued a statement accusing the AAP leader of resorting to gimmicks to garner public support.
Sachdeva said, “In recent days, Kejriwal has tried every ploy—whether it is the drama of an alleged attack, promises of allowances for women and priests, or waiving water bills—but he still sees clear defeat in the upcoming elections.”
The BJP has asserted that voters in Delhi will not fall for what they described as AAP’s politically motivated tactics.
AAP’s Campaign Amid Allegations
The allegations come amidst AAP’s intensified campaigning for the elections, centered on welfare schemes and accusations of political vendetta by opposition parties. Kejriwal’s claim about CM Atishi being targeted in a “fabricated case” has also added to the narrative of victimization being built by the AAP.
CBI Yet to Respond
The CBI has not released an official statement in response to Kejriwal’s claims, leaving the political atmosphere charged with speculation.
With less than a month to go before Delhi heads to the polls, the exchange of allegations between the AAP and BJP underscores the high stakes of the election. While AAP seeks to consolidate its base through welfare-driven governance, the BJP is attempting to counter with accusations of mismanagement and theatrics.
As the situation unfolds, the voters’ response to these claims will be decisive in determining the political landscape of Delhi for the next five years.