Bill Gates stores many idea’s on how much the world need doses to cure COVID-19

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Bill Gates is once again at the centre stage of controversy related to novel Coronavirus. He is also started doing funding to new factories for potential coronavirus vaccines.

In a 2015 speech, Bill Gates warned that the greatest risk to humanity was not nuclear war but an infectious virus that could threaten the lives of millions of people.

A report further says, A RA vaccine has never been safely developed. CoVid 19 is a RA virus, included in these vaccines are a whole host of other components such as microchips for tracking. Bill Gates holds the patents for most vaccines and is responsible for many, many deaths and many more injuries in India, Africa and this country from his wide spread vaccine protocols. Vaccines are highly profitable for both the patent holder and the universities that do the research, follow the money.

Battling falsehood and paranoid notions about the novel Coronavirus has nearly been as hard as combating the pandemic itself. Google, Facebook, Twitter and almost every internet platforms that have got to do anything with the broadcasting of information, are struggling with the same challenge. But the new conspiracy theory in relation to Microsoft’s co-founder Bill Gates and Coronavirus could blow your mind away.

He wants to utilize a future COVID-19 antibody to embed microchips in billions of individuals so as to screen their movements has picked up supporters especially among Fox News watchers and Republicans, the study found.

The Microsoft billionaire told the host Trevor Noah that his philanthropic organization, the Gates Foundation, could mobilize faster than governments to fight the coronavirus outbreak.


# The world could need as many as 14 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines

# There is a need to make billions of doses, we need to get them out to every part of the world and need all of this to happen as quickly as possible

# Gates said the foundation would end up picking only one or two of the seven, meaning billions of dollars spent on manufacturing would be abandoned.

# As the world faces the loss of trillions of dollars to the economy, wasting a few billion to help is worth it.

The survey, consisted of 1,640 US adults by YouGov for Yahoo News, found that half of the respondent Americans who state Fox News is their essential TV news source accept the fear inspired notion. It’s the biggest gathering reacting along these lines, trailed with the self portrayed Republicans and “Decided in favour of Donald Trump in 2016” – 44% of both those respondents said they accepted the fear inspired notion was valid. However, 26% of respondent Republicans said it was bogus, and 31% said they didn’t know.

No official spokesperson of Fox News, the Republican Party, the White House and the ones who participated in Trump 2020 campaign reacted to request for input on the story. In fact, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, who finance clinical research and antibody programs far and wide, also decided to stay mum on the findings.

The findings of the study underscore the level at which paranoid notions have overwhelmed open impression of the novel coronavirus. The Coronavirus infection, which has contaminated over 5 million individuals worldwide and cost the lives of over 340,000 people so far, has overturned daily life of over 7 billion people since it was first identified in December last year. Governments around the globe have requested residents to distance themselves and adopt a kind of asylum set up with an end goal to slow the infection’s spread and diminish strain on emergency clinics and mortuaries.

As individuals change in accordance with these endeavours, they’ve likewise started perusing and spreading paranoid notions about the coronavirus. Such speculations address everything from the political desire of individuals engaged with the reaction to whether the coronavirus is as fatal as governments and wellbeing offices are answering to how and where the infection began (specialists state it originated from wild creatures). Such a large number of individuals wrongly trusted 5G remote assumed a job in spreading coronavirus that they vandalized almost 80 cell towers in the UK over it.

Bill Gates, one of the richest person in the world, is caught into such controversy due to his prominent endeavours to inoculate individuals around the globe, just as his ongoing media appearances over the past couple months. He’s likewise reprimanded government reactions to the emergency, for example, in a March article distributed in The Washington Post.

It has proved that Dr Anthony Fauci had never served on Microsoft’s board with Bill Gates and this is a false news. Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID, part of National Institutes of Health)

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was created by Bill Gates and his wife Melinda in 2000. It is one of the world’s largest charities, funding global health programs to combat disease and poverty worldwide

Most of the iterations of the claim reference a Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation press release visible here . The Decade of Vaccines Collaboration was launched in 2010 by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the NIAID. It was designed to guide the discovery, development and delivery of vaccines around the world. Reported by Reuters.

Dr Anthony Fauci was part of the Leadership Council for the initiative, alongside other leaders from member authorities ( here and here )

This is, however, not the first time when Bill Gates is accused of carrying ill objective behind his aggressive approach to develop a vaccine for novel Coronavirus. In April, one investigation done by The New York Times and media watcher Zignal Labs discovered deception about Gates was the most targeted one across all coronavirus lies.

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