Canada assures safety of Indian diplomatic missions amidst Khalistani protests

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Canada has reaffirmed its commitment to ensuring the safety and security of Indian diplomatic missions and officials amidst ongoing protests related to the Khalistani movement.

A spokesperson from Global Affairs Canada, in response to the media, said, “We are aware that the protests have taken place at various locations in Canada. Canadian authorities have been in contact with Indian diplomatic officials regarding the protests.”

The statement also highlights Canada’s commitment to upholding its security-related obligations under international law. “Global Affairs Canada is committed to the safety and security of these missions and diplomats. We take very seriously our security-related obligations under international law,” an official statement from Global Affairs Canada read. The statement indicates that the Canadian government is taking the Khalistani protests and their potential impact on diplomatic safety seriously.

Canada is the third country after the UK and the US to issue assurances on the safety of Indian diplomatic missions after the Khalistani protests.

As Khalistani leader Amritpal Singh still remains absconding, protests erupted in four countries against India and the action taken against Singh’s group Waris Punjab De. The Punjab Police has organized a massive manhunt against his outfit. However, the action against Amritpal Singh and his supporters had prompted massive protests in as many as four countries.

What seemed like coordinated protests and outrage could be seen in four countries – United Kingdom, United States, Canada, and Australia as Punjab continued its crackdown against Amritpal Singh and pro-Khalistan outfits in the state. Anti-India slogans were raised and the Indian consulate in San Francisco was vandalised by pro-Khalistan supporters in the US, with a major threat being posed to the diplomatic relations between the two countries.

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