The dangers of phishing are becoming Top Concern for the CEOs

Online work increases cyber security risks, as a large segment of the white-collar workplace had to abandon their offices and work from home. Remote work can be productive and rewarding, but it comes with its set of cybersecurity risks. There is a sharp rise of 600% increase in phishing emails since the end of February. Hence, employees working remotely increase their company’s risk of data breach or cyberattack. There is a need for secure collaboration platforms for the modern era, which can be put through rigorous vetting and testing against…

Tools and technologies are being used for Remote Work and Collaboration Teams

In the world of growing technological challenges and the expanse of new innovative devices being developed by startup companies, a new platform has arisen designed to support the development of these companies.    AI is not new. Over the years, it has progressed with organizations in India now exploring numerous use cases to realize its potential. Organizations are leveraging AI to enhance efficiency, improve productivity, and drive newer sources of revenue.   Organizations across multiple verticals have been leveraging AI-driven by their own needs, but all of them are considering…

Digital Strategies Focuses On Technology To Improve Business Performance

In the age of COVID-19, we must embrace challenges and make solid decisions based on critical-thinking principles. Since, there is huge amount of increasing regulatory, client service and margin pressures has prompted a growing number of firms to seek to move to Cloud-based, shared service solutions in order to remain competitive.   While companies have been slowly moving to the cloud for years, the global pandemic has served as a forcing function for businesses to drastically accelerate their cloud adoption. The pandemic has created a premium on agility, which the…

Data security and Digital strike is the top priority of the Government

The Ministry of Information Technology concerns on data security and safeguarding the privacy of 130 crore Indians. The ministry said it has received complaints about some mobile apps available on Android and iOS platforms allegedly stealing and surreptitiously transmitting user data in an unauthorised manner to servers outside India. The government invoked power under section 69A of the Information Technology Act to block the apps.   Many of the Chinese apps have been linked to controversies over data privacy, and have been accused of sharing sensitive information with the Chinese…

Rising Uncertainty On The Start-ups At The Verge Of Collapse

The COVID-19 recession is for the startups. The survey says, 40% of 250 start-ups surveyed by NASSCOM having halted their business altogether. 92% of all start-ups have faced some level of revenue decline. Around 62% of surveyed start-ups are suffering revenue declines of over 40%, with 34% suffering a revenue decline of over 80%. Many startups’ survival is uncertain, as 70% of all start-ups have only a 0–3 month runway, beyond which they wouldn’t able to sustain and half of the surveyed start-ups were in the fintech, ed-tech and health-tech sectors.  …

Brands across the board are reinventing strategies to bring back customers

In this dark cloud of COVID 19, knowledge dissemination has proved to be a silver lining. Many Insurance companies have taken step to address short-term challenges and Luxury cars like Mercedes-Benz is expecting on their Pre-owned cars to increase the sales rather only few goes for the newer one. At the same time, the smaller and larger businesses are busy in transforming their future growth by using cutting-edge technologies like AI, IoT, wireless and intelligent networks, as well as data analytics will position themselves for success and beyond.   Most…

India’s IT industry has moved nearly two thirds of its 4.36 million workforces to work from home

The Indian IT Industry is the driving force behind the booming economic growth and employment in the country. The business slowdown initiated by the pandemic resulted in the IT sector in India witnessing massive layoffs, pay cuts and hiring freeze.   Most Indian IT services giants such as Infosys, Cognizant, Tata Consultancy Services and Wipro who happen to service the US retail sector, because of the pandemic, have been facing a major slump in business for quite some time. Now these US retail companies are planning a hefty cut in their…

Opportunities For Technological Disruption In Times Of Crisis

Covid-19 has posed major challenges for governments and businesses across the globe and technology is playing a major role in combating the crisis. Indian industry’s actions will be the key to revival as it explores new opportunities.   I think businesses are looking at driving innovation in their products and services because that’s undergoing a change. The needs of the end customers have also shifted. We have seen customers opening up to the technology.   Nearly 70 percent of business-to-business startups cite client payment delays as a major issue, with retail…

India is moving towards the path of self-reliance

The Covid-19 crisis has taught India the importance of local manufacturing and supply chains. Now it is time to “be vocal about local”. It is the right time, if we can revive local industries, which is the need of the hour. The Government has taken care of the challenges faced by the MSMEs and will uplift small contractors, real estate sector.   There is a strong wave going on to Boycott Chinese products (Boycott Made-in-China or stop using and buying Chinese products) – a slogan used over Internet campaigns that advocates a complete boycott of Chinese-made products.   By seeing the…

India to be the top destination for companies moving out of China

The digital age has propelled the world into consuming electronics at an unprecedented scale. The arrival of Industry 4.0 to bring a deep impact in manufacturing. Technologies such as IIoT, big data and analytics, digital twin/thread, and the smart connected factory and supply chain are all elements of Industry 4.0 that are becoming ubiquitous in almost every manufacturing company.   Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies have induced tremendous growth in innovation and automation. At the same time, the third generation of AI, is bringing machine learning to drive threat…