Career options available for blind and visual impaired graduates

For most blind and visual impaired children, the question of what they want to be when they become high school graduates is often not asked. After attending from special or mainstream schools some of them gravitate to specialised courses. In most of the cases they are expected to complete these courses. For blind and visually impaired persons, finding a job is much more possible than in years past. Blind and visually impaired people have a variety of career areas to choose from. The blinds and visually impaired people, who are…

Importance of accessibility for visually impaired and blind people in confidential things like PIN services.

It is of utmost importance that the blind and the visually impaired should be able to live as independently as possible. They have their own right to control over their personal finances. Needless to say they should have access to automatic teller machines (ATMs), an important part of banking services. Access to confidential information like PIN services is not only a matter of better customer service, but recognition of the rights of persons with visually impairment. Are internet and phone banking as well as ATM services accessible for the blinds?…

Zebronics Leads by Example with CSR Initiatives

Zebronics, India’s leading supplier of IT peripherals, Audio/Video products and Surveillance products, has done many CSR Activities in last 3 months. All the CSR efforts are done through in-house team. Here the idea is to do the activities in-house in way that it’s not just money spending exercise but the team understands the activities and we do it whole heartily with vision to make a difference. Yoga and therapy classes for an old age home in Chennai, we have hired one instructor who takes 2 classes weekly. It has been…

Vodafone Delhi’s Gift on International Women’s day

Vodafone India celebrates International women’s day by giving away free 2GB data to all its women Red Post-Paid subscribers in Delhi-NCR. This day long offer comes with no restrictions on the 2GB data usage and the data benefit will be automatically credited to the user’s account and notified through an SMS. With this offer women customers will be able browse internet, shop online, watch their favourite videos & movies online, connect with near & dear ones through video chat and lots more. This exclusive gift from Vodafone is part of…

Driving Licensing

According to figures released by the Government, more than 140,000 people were killed on Indian roads last year, making Indian roads some of the deadliest in the world. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) opines that 77% accidents happen due to the fault of the driver. Why such a grim state of affairs? The devil, as is often said, lies in the details. Consider this: in the UK, only 40-43% of those who apply for driving license pass the test. As a result, aspiring drivers are forced to…

How to choose the Best insurance Policy

There are a large number of insurers licensed to do business in India, which means you have a wide choice of insurance providers and products. When buying insurance, ensure that you have got all the necessary information you need to find an accurate quote. You should have a good understanding of your own risks, the value and details of what you want to insure. This will help you pick the best insurance product for you. Before you buy a policy Before you purchase an insurance policy make sure you: •…

Treating Prostate Cancer

One of the most common types of cancer in men, prostate cancer is cancer that begins in a man’s prostate – a small walnut-sized gland that sits just beneath a man’s bladder and produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. When prostate cancer is detected at its earliest stages, the chance of successful treatment is very good. But most gallbladder cancers are discovered at a late stage, when the prognosis is often very poor. What Causes Prostate Cancer? What causes prostate cancer is still in the realm of…

Running Found To Be Good For Health

Phasellus tempor tellus vel luctus elementum. Cras volutpat felis sit amet ullamcorper fermentum. Praesent ultrices porttitor ultrices. Praesent nisl eros, tincidunt at massa sit amet, vehicula ornare lectus. Sed pretium augue sit amet dui placerat pellentesque. Nulla facilisi. Nulla vestibulum dui vitae facilisis mollis. Aenean sagittis tincidunt velit, eu ultricies erat aliquam vel. Ut id augue facilisis, pretium quam a, imperdiet sem. Duis iaculis, quam quis ultricies hendrerit, arcu neque vestibulum turpis, ac fermentum quam est sed sem. Quisque commodo dictum arcu, in rutrum nisi. Ut feugiat elementum massa, iaculis…

Coeffe, Good For Health?

Ut id massa ac tellus sodales euismod efficitur ac turpis. Pellentesque gravida dapibus nisi sit amet sollicitudin. Quisque id posuere libero, nec luctus lectus. Donec sit amet ante auctor, luctus velit vitae, blandit augue. Aenean eu sem molestie, posuere dolor eu, blandit sapien. Aliquam vehicula ante sed enim sodales accumsan. Donec felis odio, finibus ut dignissim sed, sollicitudin at ex. Etiam tristique ex ac lobortis iaculis. Aenean ante magna, blandit sit amet volutpat quis, sodales eu nunc. Proin eu aliquet risus. Proin at molestie nunc, quis mattis orci. Cras rhoncus,…

Research Complete For Cure Of Cancer

In sed pulvinar nisl, id volutpat sem. Proin efficitur viverra sapien vitae egestas. Mauris laoreet augue quis mi lobortis suscipit. Nunc faucibus elit eget mauris laoreet scelerisque. Praesent eu placerat tellus. Nunc orci ex, sodales eu lacus sit amet, fermentum pulvinar lectus. Mauris a posuere nulla, non facilisis massa. Phasellus aliquam mattis ullamcorper. Pellentesque commodo dignissim lectus, aliquet semper leo scelerisque ut. Proin diam lectus, cursus a gravida eu, aliquam vitae odio. Nullam molestie, sem a dapibus iaculis, erat est tincidunt purus, quis fermentum ipsum lorem quis tortor. Sed bibendum…