Coronavirus Pandemic: HAL allows employees to resume work from Tuesday

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Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) has secured permission from the Ministry of Home Affairs to resume manufacturing operations as an essential defence service from Tuesday (April 28), but with curtailed staff and under strict safety guidelines. It has been cleared ‘on a par with defence’ to resume work as it provides essential services to keep the IAF operationally ready.


HAL halted work around a month back under a nationwide lockdown imposed to check the COVID-19 pandemic.


Among the first few to be picking up work again, the state-owned defence aircraft company returns to conditional activities in two shifts; normally it works in three shifts, with only 50% manpower in each shift.


Employees have been asked to commute to work on their own, according to an official letter dated April 27.


“Divisions/ offices may resume normal operations/ work with effect from 28.4.20 in two shifts (8 hours each),” the letter said.


It has been advised to follow standard advisories of the Centre and the State during the lockdown period, such as screening of staff and contract workers at the entrance, keeping social distance among employees, hand sanitisation, personal hygiene and wearing of masks.


Since March 24, HAL, as with all private and public sector companies, allowed only minimum essential staff for maintenance.

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