Dabur organizes Oral & Personal Hygiene Awareness program in Assam

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Strengthening its community development initiatives in Assam, Dabur India has announced a mega health awareness campaign that seeks to educate school-going children in Tezpur about best Oral and Personal Hygiene practices. The first of its awareness camp was organized at the Dhekidol Lower Primary School, which saw participation from 158 students from four schools in the neighbourhood.


The camp, organized by Dabur’s CSR arm Jivanti Welfare & Charitable Trust, sought to improve the oral health of school kids and create awareness about Ayurveda and Ayurvedic remedies for dental and oral care. School kids from Dhekidol Lower Primary School, Binapani Lower Primary School, Sesa Panbari Lower Primary School and Chapaguri Lower Primary School participated in the camp.


As part of this programme, the children were also educated about the good personal hygiene practices like regular and proper bathing, trimming of nails, washing hands with soap, besides maintaining cleanliness within their household and school.


Speaking on the occasion, Dabur India Ltd Head-CSR, A. Sudhakar said, “Dabur is committed to its motto of being dedicated to the health & well-being of every household. Oral hygiene is an important part of being fit & healthy. As we take care of our body and eating habits, it’s also equally important to look after our basic oral and dental hygiene. However, brushing your teeth is generally seen as a mundane and routine activity. With this initiative, Dabur has taken the onus of promoting oral hygiene among school kids in Tezpur. This is just the first of several such CSR initiatives that Dabur has planned for the region.”

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