The Sixth iVolunteer Awards to be hosted by Maharashtra CM

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Shri Devendra Fadnavis, Chief Minister of Maharashtra will be honoring the spirit of volunteering and exceptional leadership at the sixth iVolunteer Awards set to be hosted at Bal Gangdharva Rang Mandir in Mumbai on Tuesday, the 30th October 2018.


With the nation progressing at an accelerating speed, volunteering lays the foundation for people to actively build communities and the nation they thrive in. iVolunteer Awards focuses on bringing the limelight to the true heroes that create valuable change. iVolunteer awards are the only Indian awards to nationally recognize excellence in individual as well as organizational volunteering.


Through four defined award categories, namely Volunteer Hero, Youth Champion, Leader in Volunteer Engagement and Leader in Employee Volunteering, the award ceremony celebrates rewards and awards the exceptional leadership and relentless spirit of Volunteering.  The awards symbolize as a shiny beckon for hope in inspiring the youth towards active participation in volunteering. The ceremony is well curated to widely share the inspiring stories of ordinary volunteers and will have an outreach of about 20-lac people through a voting process that enables anyone to support their favorite nominees.


Shalabh, Founder of  iVolunteer states,  “Volunteers are the heart and soul of a nation. Volunteers add to the productivity and well-being of our country but often they service go un-noticed. iVolunteer Awards celebrate the contribution of the leaders of volunteering in India and aim to inspire every Indian to engage in for service to the nation. We are happy to partner with Crowdera. iVolunteer Awards will leverage this partnership to deepen its reach within India and further extend it outside. It will help us mobilize critical support for the unsung ‘Volunteer Heroes’ and organizations enabling volunteering in India.”


The sixth edition of the iVolunteer award will take place in partnership with Crowdera. The organization provides friendly platform to create visually compelling viral fundraising campaigns that raise awareness and funding for your organizational needs and dreams.  


iVolunteer Awards are the premier national recognition for the exceptional volunteering initiatives by young champions, NGOs, individuals and corporate organizations for their devotion and relentless commitment towards building a better society for all and inspire others by example to come and participate in this developmental transformation. The iVolunteer award has acquired immense support from various eminent personalities such as Nandita Das,  Abhishek Bachchan, Vinod Tawde,  Shikha Sharma and Rajshree Birla amongst many others.

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