DOE Announces Guidelines for Remedial Classes as Delhi Schools Begin Winter Break

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Delhi School Winter Holidays 2024 are scheduled to be commenced from January 1 to 15. However, to revise the syllabus and to enhance the learning level/ Academic performance of the students, Remedial classes will be held for classes 9, 10, and 12. Check schedule here

The Directorate of Education, Delhi has declared winter break for all government schools in the national capital. According to the order, the Delhi school winter holiday 2024 will begin on January 1 and end on January 15. Keeping in mind the learning level of the students, the education department has reportedly released remedial class guidelines for those studying in Classes 9 to 12 for ten days during the Delhi school winter vacation. These classes will enable the students in conceiving the basic concepts of the poorly performed subjects.

Delhi Govt. Schools To Remain Close From January 1 to 14, Remedial Sessions  To Continue | Education News - Jagran Josh

According to media reports, English, science, and maths subjects should be daily taught for Classes 9 to 11. The remedial classes for Class 10 and Class 12 students will focus on revising and practising the pre-board question papers. The subject teachers have also been asked to guide the students on how to attempt the question paper properly. The support material is also to be used optimally.


”It is essential for the concerned subject teachers to understand thoroughly the difficult topics and the weaknesses of their students so that individual attention may be given to each student and their problems may be solved”, the school department said in the notification.


The department has asked all schools to inform Students and their parents about these classes in advance in the morning/evening assembly, through SMC meetings, notes in the students’ diaries and mass SMS facility etc. HoS must ensure that all the students attend these Classes.


DOE issues guidelines for remedial classes
Period Morning Classes Evening Classes
1st 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
2nd 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM
Recess 10:30 AM – 10:50 AM 3:30 PM – 3:50 PM
3rd 10:50 AM – 11:50 AM 3:50 PM – 4:50 PM
4th 11:50 AM – 12:50 PM 4:50 PM – 5:50 PM

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