Help the people in distress in Kerala with K7 Computing

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K7 computing has extended a helping hand towards people who are affected by the unprecedented rains and flood in Kerala. The company has decided to contribute 100% of its online sales that takes place between the 22nd and 23rd August towards Kerala Relief Fund. All the contributions and donations will be made through The Hindu’s ‘Help us Help Kerala’ initiative.


K7 Computing has requested everyone to visit its online store to purchase the company’s award-winning IT security solutions and do their bit to help the people of Kerala.


K7 Computing is a global provider of leading IT security solutions for enterprises and consumers. Incorporated in 1991, K7 Computing has its registered office in Chennai and a strong presence in all Indian states. With more than 20,000 channel partners, K7 Computing is protecting more than 25 million customers worldwide against the threats to their IT environment.


K7 Computing has been accepted as the first Indian anti-virus company in Japan. The company has partnered with SourceNext to distribute K7 Total Security in Japan. SourceNext Corporation is Japan’s topmost domestic PC software seller with access to more than 25,000 retail shelves across the country, and the product is distributed under the name ‘Virus Security Zero’.

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