How A Mind Wellness Boutique Can Revamp Wellness Programs For The Corporates

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Wellness Programs have more creative ways to empower & cultivate a hale & hearty atmosphere at work place. The Major Goal is to create a culture of happy environment and healthier lifestyle. It is a framework of Short term programming that reposes several long term benefits. Wellness programs don’t solely believe in forming health scans, gym memberships and reimbursements, but it outlines to recuperate mind, soul and the whole body. A wellness therapy is a culmination to many solutions for the several problems faced by an individual or a group of people in any organisation.


Why Corporates Must Take Care of Their Employees –

Corporate wellness is not only about relaxing or rejuvenating, but it must be adopted by them to truly nurture their personnels from within. The 21st Century brings with it a prime requisition for them to invest in Wellness Programmes for their employees in order to create a healthier lifestyle at work which will not only  improve their performance rates but at the same time will reduce absenteeism due to sickness, stress or illness. 

A Robust & Focussed work force is one’s capstone asset. Regardless of how splendid & exceptional one’s enterprise, brand or production may be, one still requires an outstanding team to take their business to the next level says – Ashna Ddhannak    


How A Mind Wellness Boutique Can Be A Game Changer –

Enlightening lifestyle” is a mind wellness Boutique that greatly looks upon enhancing and improving the individuals from within. It significantly approaches holistic and spiritual modalities that greatly emphasizes on emotional & mental health which retreats the mind, body and soul altogether.

Enlightening Lifestyle” completely focuses on quality trainings using Holistic Tools for Diffusing the Corporate Stress. According to Ashna DdhannakEnlightening Workshops will address all the below mentioned underpinnings that are vital for the growth of any organisation  


  • Goal Alignments (Structuring the Unstructured) – To be an achiever, a goal should be structured with a specific plan of action. When an Employee works in alignment to the company’s Vizion & Mission having clear policies & procedures, it will greatly contribute to one’s personal & company success.


  • Cascading perfect Communication (Paving the Smooth Road) – Having a clear & impeccable line of communication is a perfect strategy for enabling your management team & employees to work together with complete efficiency.


  • Allocating Accountabilities (Adventure Begins) – It is very important to understand one’s role & contribution when it comes to handling a task or a big project. Empowering the right people to take ownership and giving the power to make decisions along with necessary resources will ensure the success of any initiative undertaken.


  • Out shinning performance – (Exhilarating Victory) – During a presentation of task or any competition the excellence is to not to worry about the result or outcome but to be conscious about your performance which will exhilarate victory.


  • Thriving work culture (Radical Break Throughs) -Enlightening Workshops highly promotes creative and innovative thinking preparing an individual as a strong innovator. This helps them to flow through difficult circumstances and handle them with a great ease.



Various Holistic Modalities Adopted For Massive Outcomes –


  • Chakra Healings & Balancing – Meditating and working consistently with the 7 Chakras located in one’s body will not only help to release unwanted blockages & give way for a smooth energy flow but will also help one to  tap into their highest potential bringing a perfect allignment between mind, body and soul.
  • Flower essences – They act as truly supportive companions when one undergoes major crisis, turbulances or life altering changes. These essences are derived from the life force energy of various plants & flowers which has powerful qualities to unblock negative emotional patterns and revives them back to their most joyful and cheerful state of mind.
  • Sound healing meditation– An ancient form of healing through sound and music is very restorative to the nervous system in our body. It has powerful & effective ways to flip our unfavourable thought patterns and helps to remove past negative conditionings that otherwise creates block towards one’s success.
  • Space clearing techniques – They help to clear away the old dormant energies in any environment and supports to purify and restore back the peace & harmony in one’s space.


Enlightening Wellness Programs designed by Ashna Ddhannak can be very reliable & a life  long Friend to any organisational needs & requirements as she believes that implementing these conventional practices of Holistic Persuits can help to make a positive mainspring for any company who strives to achieve stellar performances at their workplace.   

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