How India’s abstention from UNSC vote is different from China

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India and China both have supported Ukraine on sovereignty and territorial integrity, but Beijing has also virtually defended the Russian action by asking for Moscow’s security concerns to be addressed.

India’s decision to abstain from the UNSC resolution on Ukraine strikes a balance between national interest and its core belief. The tough resolution was expectedly vetoed by Russia, 11 countries supported it with India, UAE and China choosing to abstain from the vote.

Although China has also abstained from the vote, there is a sharp contrast between the explanation of the vote by India and Beijing. Both have supported Ukraine for sovereignty and territorial integrity, but China has virtually defended the Russian action.

The Chinese explanation given by Ambassador Zhang Jun stated: “ We believe that one country’s security cannot be at the expense of the security of others, and that regional security should not rely on muscling up or even expanding military blocs. The legitimate security concerns of all countries should be respected. Against the backdrop of five successive rounds of NATO’s eastward expansion, Russia’s legitimate security aspirations should be given attention and properly addressed.”

While the US, France and UK are expected to push this resolution before the UN General Assembly to ensure global condemnation for the Russian aggression, the situation in Kyiv is getting dire by the hour with the Red Army gaining ground in the capital of Ukraine.

According to a former foreign secretary, the Indian abstention reflected its national interest given its long strategic relationship with Russia and its ever-growing closeness with China and the client states of the middle kingdom. The expression that India was deeply disturbed by events in Ukraine in the explanation of vote reflected the Indian belief. In its explanation, India called upon all member states to honour the principles enshrined in the UN Charter, international law, and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.

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