Prime Minister Narendra Modi has interacted with the recipients of Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2020 on Friday, who won awards at the Pradhan Mantri Bal Puraskar awards at his residence in New Delhi. At the event, the PM also shared some tips and advice for the students and revealed the secret behind his radiant skin.
During the interaction, PM Modi asked the students if any of them had “sweat” four times a day. When the children responded, he asserted that every kid should be physically active and “sweat hard” in order to look radiant.
He also lauded the work done by children who won national awards in various categories, and said that he gets inspiration and energy from them.
“When I was getting introduced to you a while back, I was really surprised. The way you all have tried in different fields, the work that has been done at such a young age… is amazing,” he said.