Is North Korea restarting its nuclear weapons programme?

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According to reports based on satellite photos, North Korea is expanding a plant used to enrich uranium for nuclear bombs. This clearly indicates that Kim Jong Un is relaxing self-imposed limits on his nuclear weapons programme placed during discussions with the US.


The report further reveals that Yongbyon nuclear complex’s enrichment plant has been extended, and the equipment that controls its internal temperature has been removed.


According to Jeffrey Lewis of the Arms Control Wonk website, the modifications imply that North Korea aims to expand production by up to 25%.


Earlier the International Atomic Energy Agency had announced that North Korea had resumed plutonium production at its Yongbyon uranium enrichment plant for the first time in three years.


Because it takes many months for the reactor to fire before another lengthy operation to process the fuel rods and extract plutonium can begin, such efforts suggest Kim isn’t going to meet with US President Joe Biden anytime soon.


Following months of relative silence, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is striving to build his arsenal of weaponry.

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