Microsoft supports Sankara Eye Hospital to launch Maitri

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Microsoft has collaborated with Sankara Eye Hospital, Bengaluru to launch Maitri, a customized rehabilitation bus that visits remote villages in Karnataka to identify citizens suffering from vision problems and provide comprehensive rehabilitation services. With less than 30% of patients receiving rehabilitation services, Maitri was conceptualized to provide rehabilitation to visually impaired patients at their doorstep, helping them become independent and improve their quality of life. Microsoft has contributed funding to build and launch the bus under its commitment to corporate social responsibility and meeting the provisions of Schedule VII of the Companies 2013 Act.

In a pilot undertaken at Hoskote Village, the Maitri team screened over 130 citizens for vision issues in the past few months. More than 30 trainings for visually challenged individuals have been conducted in the Mobile Rehabilitation facility. The beneficiaries vary from young children to adults. So far, Maitri has concluded 32 visits across Hoskote and 54 patients having been taught skills ranging from the use of assistive devices, computer literacy, and even home skills like using a stove and functions in a kitchen.

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