Speaking on the occasion, Rajnath Singh said that he pays heartfelt tribute to the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the safety of nation. He said that each moment of lives of CRPF and CAPF personnel is a test of their courage and bravery. He said that a bullet can hit a soldier physically, but no bullet can defeat the courage and motivation of a soldier. The bravery of CRPF commandant, Chetan Cheetah is an example of it who survived 9 bullets, Shri Rajanth Singh added.
Speaking on the occasion, Rajnath Singh thanked the actor Akshay Kumar for contributing his ideas to the launch of portal “Bharat ke Veer”. He said that he is satisfied that this portal will be successful and will act as a motivation to the brave soldiers.”Speaking on the occasion, actor Akshay Kumar said that this web portal has been designed in a record time of just two and a half months. He said that it will act as a support to the families of the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the nation.”
This website is technically supported by National Informatics Centre (NIC) and powered by State Bank of India (SBI). To ensure maximum coverage, a cap of 15 lakh rupees is imposed and the donors would be alerted if the amount exceeds, so that they can choose to divert part of the donation to another braveheart account or to the “Bharat Ke Veer” corpus.