ShepHertz presents #My Eco-Friendly Diwali

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ShepHertz Technologies, a Gurgaon-based startup offering omni-channel enterprise platform for agile and incremental digital transformation, has launched a social media campaign called #My Eco-Friendly Diwali by sharing stories on why people should stop bursting firecrackers.


As a contribution to keeping our environment clean, ShepHertz employees decided to share their experiences on why they don’t burst firecrackers anymore.


Commenting on the same, Sushil Singh Bhadouria, Executive VP Innovation and R&D, ShepHertz, says, “This is the best Diwali celebration we have ever had where everybody dressed up, prayed, exchanged gifts and camaraderie that we witnessed is beyond any materialistic happiness. Everybody in the team is glad there were no firecrackers involved and still the celebration was grand.”


The campaign saw active participation from quite a few employees, who had been true fans of firecrackers but gave up due to bad incidents they witnessed around them. Shared on social media across all platforms, the stories include experiences like a neighbour getting admitted to a hospital on Diwali night due to asthma attack, to pets losing their orientation due to loud noises, to senior citizens getting lung ailments, to people getting burnt, to even healthy people finding difficulty in breathing.


All the employees came out in full support of the Eco-Friendly Diwali campaign and came up with a lot of ideas that could replace firecrackers but would still be as enjoyable. Ideas included potluck lunch where all the employees brought delicious and sumptuous food to share with everybody, donated a lot of their personal stuff to the underprivileged, set up streaming of digital sound & light show for everybody to dance along and finally all the employees split up randomly and decorated the entire office premises with Rangolis made of eco-friendly colours.

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