A pani puri vendor in Tamil Nadu has come under the scrutiny of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) authorities after reportedly receiving online payments totaling ₹40 lakh during the 2023-24 financial year.
Under the GST regime, businesses with an annual turnover exceeding ₹20 lakh are required to register for GST and comply with its provisions. The substantial amount received by the vendor through Unified Payments Interface (UPI) transactions has raised suspicions about potential tax evasion, prompting the issuance of a GST notice.
The incident has sparked discussions on social media platforms, with many expressing surprise at the significant earnings of a street food vendor. Some users have humorously questioned their own career choices in light of the vendor’s reported income.
This case highlights the increasing digitization of transactions, even among small vendors, and underscores the importance of tax compliance in the digital economy. It also reflects the government’s efforts to monitor high-value transactions to prevent tax evasion and ensure a level playing field for all businesses.
The issuance of a GST notice to the pani puri vendor serves as a reminder of the tax obligations that come with higher income levels, regardless of the nature of the business. As digital payments become more prevalent, it is crucial for all business operators to maintain accurate records and adhere to tax regulations to avoid legal complications.