TDI Infratech conducts free of cost Health Camp

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As a motive to spread awareness for health among the residents, a free of cost health camp was organized on Sunday within the premises of TDI City society located in Kundli. The campaign was held in association with the HelpAge India.

The check-up included general examinations to check blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. The event was held in high regard as the residents turned up on a large scale. Approximately, a hundred registrations from the residents were recorded.

“Making people realize the importance of health is very important. Due to lack of time and awareness amid the working class, timely health screenings are often neglected. Due to work and various other factors, the same working class faces stress and mental discomfort frequently which gradually causes blood pressure and heart-related severe issues. In order to prevent such extreme health issues, one must keep a check on his overall health. Health screenings would definitely detect one’s issues with the physical state before time and prevent further health related damage. The health of our residents is among our prime concerns and we look forward to coming up with more such health-related events wherein people can turn up with zero trouble,” said Vivek Gandhi, Executive Director – TDI Infratech.

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