UPSO-II (IOCL) dedicates Rs. 1 Crore for divyangjans

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UPSO-II took a big stride to benefit the disabled. On July 24th 2018, UPSO-II signed MOUs for Rs. 1 crore with ALMICO (Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India). ALIMCO is a Miniratna CPSE, registered under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013, working under the aegis of Department of Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India.


Vinay Kr Misra, Executive Director, UPSO-II handed over MOUs to D R Sarin, Chairman & Managing Director, ALMICO in presence of all HODs of UPSO-II.


As per the MOU, ALIMCO will conduct assessment camps in the district of Agra in Uttar Pradesh and Haridwar in Uttarakhand to provide “Aids and Assistive devices to Divyangjans”. The objective of the UPSO-II’s CSR project is to Empower the Disabled.  This is a major CSR initiative of IOCL and will help the Divyangjans to overcome the difficulties, enabling them to lead a normal & productive life and making them fully independent. This effort will not only bring these underprivileged PwDs to the mainstream of life but will also contribute to the national economy. 


 ALIMCO is a “Not ForProfit” Central Public Sector Undertaking working under the administrative control of Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India and has been manufacturing various types of aids & appliances on mass scale to meet the requirements of the Persons with Disabilities (PwDs), across the country.

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