Why is there a need for women in the workforce?

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1,266,883,598 people currently live in India.Women comprise 48.5% of the population.This gender population gap starts at birth. For every 100 boys born nationally, 89 girls are born. The gender gap fluctuates across India.The Economic growth and technological advancement in India has experienced rapid growth and development in the past years in many spheres. Gender equity is not one of them. This is deplorable considering the important role played by women in the socio-economic growth of the country.


The fight for women’s rights has increased the participation of women in the job market. Women have emerged from the strictly private sphere and have broken the implicit social contract that used to confined them to home.It is a general belief that economic dependence of women is a major obstacle to their empowerment. Women’s participation in the labor force is, therefore, regarded as an index of their empowerment. 


Youth4work.com has taken an initiative to impact rural women as well as rural youth through ‘IFFCOYuva’, a tie-up with IFFCO. On Youth4work.compeople from all over 1300 locations across India ranked and profiled. People from rural India are about 25% whereas only 10.05% of the total job opportunities are available.A survey by Youth4work reports, the insights on India’s Talent scenarios, an analysis of over 1.75 lakh people out of 89000 women who demonstrated their talents on Youth4work platform. A detailed analysis carried out on six of the skills cross-referenced with people’s gender and education reveals interesting scenarios.


Youth4work’s Report further shows that IT talent in rural women is 5.09% which relatively less than in urban women which accounts 34.06%.The expected women’s labour force in India will add 37 million people to its labour force in the next 10 years, including youth entering the workforce.Over the next 40 years, India is projected to add 424 million working-age adults.If India can increase women’s labour force participation by 10 percentage points (68 million more women) by 2025, India could increase its 16% GDP.


Though globally women are becoming more aware about showcasing their skills, the scenario in India is slightly different. This is mostly due to unawareness about avenues or platforms to position oneself as a talented woman. However, integrated platforms like Youth4work.com are focusing on analyzing and bridging this gap and encouraging women to rank themselves against their male counterparts for all the professional skills.

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