With constant focus TeamViewer has grown into a full enterprise solution

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Krunal Patel, Director-sales, TeamViewer

“Starting since 2005, we have been constantly focusing in delivering software which can help people and connect anything from anywhere. Today TeamViewer has grown into a full enterprise solution which is used to basically deliver different connectivity solutions. So whether it is accessing a windmill or controlling the coffee machine or supporting an employee working remotely on his tablet, these are different use cases. Whether it is monitoring hardware or operating systems, this is not only relevant in ecology across different industries, different use cases. So wherever there is a connectivity requirement, we will be able to give you a solution in a very secure manner. Hybrid working is important topic today and this is a research report, which has come out in October where NASSCOM has done a research on how our enterprises preparing, going back to work.

There were some interesting statistics which came into the play like 70% of the organizations which they surveyed said that we will adopt a hybrid work model, there will be physical offices, people going back to offices, but they will be in limited numbers as well as limited days of operations. 83% of those organizations which had more than 1000 employees set and you know, the employees will be back to office for three to four days in a week, people will still go for work from home. The way how enterprises are consuming technology will be here for some time now. As for hybrid workers, we are always talking of connected workers, who have a computer or a desktop or having a mobile phone to be connected and work. But there is also a huge workforce who was without desktops.

For the connected workers we have remote support solution, which will help customers to support their customers and support employees in a very easy manner from anywhere. We have worked from home solutions for hire processor intensive jobs, where VPN does not work. We have IT management suit, which is monitoring and asset management of remote assets, endpoints, endpoint protection, backup of endpoints and website monitoring for performance management. We have a whole new engagement platform now and this is what we would be very interested to for our partners to take to market. It is not only a simple meeting solution, but it is basically an experience. It allows users for a better employee engagement, better customer engagement and it gives an omni channel, automated customer experience.

There are various use cases that we are seeing in adoption, this will be one game changing solution with no code implementation or a very low code implementation. Users can create omni channel experience for their customers by giving them a chat bot feature or screen sharing feature or video collaboration feature or audio collaboration feature all from the same website that they are currently using or the same mobile application that they are currently using. I would be very interested if you want to take this solution to the market.”

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