Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin, who returned to Chennai after participating in the opposition meeting in Patna, reiterated on Friday that all like-minded parties have a single goal to defeat BJP. The DMK President further said that no decision was taken on fielding a common prime ministerial candidate at the meeting but all parties resolved to consolidate against BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha election. BJP should not be allowed to win again’ Stalin said that all the parties that attended the meeting were very clear that the…
Month: June 2023
How Amit Shah’s Security Audit Meet in J-K Sets the Stage for Amarnath Yatra”
In a critical turn of events, the Association Home Clergyman, Amit Shah, as of late led a urgent security survey meeting in Jammu and Kashmir (J-K) in front of the profoundly expected Amarnath Yatra. The gathering expected to survey and build up safety efforts to guarantee the smooth and safe direct of the journey. The Amarnath Yatra holds gigantic strict importance for Hindus, who embrace the burdensome excursion to look for endowments at the adored Amarnath Cavern hallowed place. To guarantee the wellbeing and security of the travelers, it becomes…
Education Ministry to Work for Setting up Indo-U.S. Global Challenge Institutes to Deepen Research Partnerships – Shri Dharmendra Pradhan
In a significant step towards enhancing research collaborations and fostering academic partnerships between India and the United States, the Education Ministry, under the guidance of Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, has announced the establishment of Indo-U.S. Global Challenge Institutes. This groundbreaking initiative aims to deepen research partnerships, promote knowledge exchange, and address global challenges through collaborative efforts between Indian and American educational institutions. In this article, we will explore the key objectives, potential impact, and expected outcomes of these institutes, highlighting their role in advancing scientific innovation and promoting cross-cultural understanding. The…
English rendering of Prime Minister’s opening statement at the bilateral meeting with the President of the United States of America
Mr. President, I express my heartfelt gratitude to you and I also express my heartfelt gratitude to Jill Biden. The way you warmly welcomed me and our delegation, I express my gratitude to you for that and also because today you opened the doors of the White House to the Indian community and thousands of Indians were amidst us to witness the future strategic relations between America and India. Your Excellency, You have always been a well-wisher of India and whenever and wherever you have got the opportunity, you have…
Prime Minister’s Interaction with Indian Community Members in USA
Introduction The Prime Minister’s interaction with Indian community members in the USA was a significant event that brought together the diaspora and the leader of their home country. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of this remarkable occasion, highlighting its importance, key highlights, and the impact it had on the Indian community residing in the United States. As a competent SEO and senior copywriter, I will present this article in a detailed and engaging manner, utilizing Markdown language for clear and structured headings. The Significance of the Prime…
Prime Minister’s Interaction with Leading Professionals in the USA
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi addressed a gathering of professionals in USA on June 23, 2023 at the John F. Kennedy Centre in Washington D.C. The event was organized by US – India Strategic Partnership Forum (USISPF). Secretary of State of USA, H.E. Mr. Antony Blinken also graced the occasion. In his address, Prime Minister highlighted the profound transformation currently underway in India and the strides being made in various sectors. Stressing that “This is the moment”, Prime Minister invited the professionals to forge partnerships with India. The event was…
Prime Minister’s meeting with Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet Inc. and Google
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi met CEO of Alphabet Inc. and Google, Mr. Sundar Pichai on June 23, 2023 in Washington DC. Prime Minister invited Mr. Pichai to explore further avenues of collaboration in the domains of Artificial Intelligence (AI); fintech; cybersecurity products & services; as well as mobile device manufacturing in India. Prime Minister and Mr. Pichai also discussed collaboration between Google and academic institutions in India to promote R&D and skill development. I am writing to provide you with an overview of the recent meeting between the Prime…
Prime Minister’s participation in the India-US Hi-Tech Handshake event
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modia and President of USA H.E. Mr. Joseph R. Biden, participated in a India-US Hi-Tech Handshake event at the White House in Washington D.C. today. The event was moderated by US Secretary of Commerce, H.E. Ms. Gina Raimondo, and saw the participation of leading Indian and American CEOs of tech companies and startups. The thematic focus of the forum was on ‘AI for All’ and ‘Manufacturing for Mankind’. The event was an opportunity for both leaders to review the deepening technology collaboration between India and USA.…
Hockey Madhya Pradesh crowned champions of the 13th India Junior Men National Championship
Hockey Madhya Pradesh won the 13th Hockey India Junior Men National Championship 2023 after defeating Hockey Chandigarh in the final at the iconic Birsa Munda Hockey Stadium. Meanwhile, Hockey Haryana defeated the Hockey Association of Odisha to finish third in the competition. Hockey Madhya Pradesh defeated Chandigarh 4-2 in the final. The goalscorers for Hockey Madhya Pradesh were Shreyas Dhupe (17′, 46′), Mohd Konain Dad (25′), and Ali Ahmad (52′). Meanwhile, Sumit (9′) and Surinder Singh (31′) scored for Hockey Chandigarh. Hockey Haryana defeated the Hockey Association of Odisha 3-1…
Opposition leaders’ meeting begins in Patna to formalise strategy for 2024 Lok Sabha polls
The highly-anticipated Opposition meeting begins in Bihar’s Patna hosted by Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar with an aim to arrive at a consensus to forge a united Opposition front to take on the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2024 Lok Sabha polls. The Opposition picked Patna as a venue for its meeting as it represents the 1974 call of total revolution by Jayaprakash Narayan that toppled Indira Gandhi’s majority government. Ahead of the meeting, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said, “There is a war of ideology going on in India. On…