LG Water Purifier certified by Heart Care Foundation of India

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LG Electronics India has introduced PuriCare range of water purifiers in India, featuring stainless steel storage tank that provides purest form of drinking water. The advanced range of water purifiers which come in seven variants are equipped with innovative hygiene-enhancing features such as the Dual Protection Stainless Steel Tank and Digital Sterilizing Care that ultimately yields safe and clean drinking water.


Recently, LG water purifier was certified by Heart care foundation of India as the water purifier which meets the criteria for health friendly drinkable water (filtration, preservation & maintenance). LG water purifier has unique stainless steel storage which ensures that water remains safe by reducing the growth of bacteria and algae.


Kim-Ki-Wan-MD-LG Electronics India said “We have been launching products based on Indian insights & water purifier is an extension of the same. As clean drinking water is one of the basic requirements& LG water purifier provides the same through robust filtration, preservation & maintenance. Certification by Heart care foundation of India reconfirms LG water purifier as a source of Health Friendly Drinkable Water.”


Dr K.K Aggarwal President- Heart care foundation of India said “We have tested LG water purifier & it meets the criteria for “Health Friendly Drinkable Water” (Filteration, Preservation & Maintenance). Its unique stainless steel storage & 5 stages RO filteration makes the water fit for drinking. Clean drinking water is one of the basic requirements of human beings & I congratulate LG Electronics for developing a robust water purifier for the same. LG with focus on Health & Hygiene via their products like Water Purifiers, Air Purifiers etc., shall be further collaborated for a long term awareness campaign on pure water and air with Heart Care Foundation of India.”


The LG water Purifier is available in 7 variants: WW180EP, WW170EP, WW160EP, WW121EP, WW120EP, WW130NP and WW140NP.

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