Uttar Pradesh CM, Yogi Adityanath on Friday has announced that 18 Atal residential schools, on the lines of Navodaya Vidyalaya, will be started in the state in which children of registered labourers will be provided free facilities. He along with Governor Anandiben Patel inaugurated a three-day program to mark the foundation day of Uttar Pradesh’s Avadh Shilp Gram.
“We are going to start 18 residential schools in 18 divisions, on the lines of Navodaya Vidyalaya, in which children of registered labourers will be provided free facilities,” said Adityanath.
“Students interested in sports will be encouraged in sports. Along with this, the state government will lead the students towards self-reliance through skill development,” he added.
The Governor of UP, Anandiben Patel said that Uttar Pradesh has immense tourism potential. “The state is on the path of development under the leadership of CM Yogi. The government is committed to the welfare of all classes without discrimination,” she said.