AI is helping to drive business process optimisation and India business growing

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2020 has brought challenges – and the opportunity to accelerate digital change. Now is the time to reset and reimagine the ways we live and work. IT leader are ensuring the technology supporting business processes runs as smoothly as possible. A number of technologies have come together to give BPM a new shine. One of these is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to drive automation. A report shows that 80% of firms are now trialling AI or have put it into production. The data shows a significant increase from 2019, when 55% of firms said they were trialling AI. As per Gartner, the AI is making adjustments to improve the quality of automation. IT spending in India is projected to total $81.9 billion in 2021, an increase of 6% from 2020, according to the latest forecast by Gartner, Inc. IT spending in 2020 is expected to total $79.3 billion, down 8.4% from 2019.


The global adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) amongst enterprises and recognize the business perceptions of AI across sectors and in the coming year the IT spending growth will return as CIOs start positioning IT as not just a growth enabler, but a ‘survival necessary’ strategy. While all segments will experience an increase in spending, the enterprise software segment will achieve the highest growth of 13.6%, followed by data center systems at 8.3%. The ‘Digital India’ mission will turn a new leaf in 2021 as enterprises across all sectors start spending more on IT. The pandemic provided an opportunity for Indian CIOs to test long-pending projects such as remote working, which delivered on-promise for many enterprises and helped them stay afloat in the most testing times. The success of these digital innovations has brought back the focus on investments in IT.


Secondly, in 2021, the focus of IT spending will be in becoming a true digital business. CIOs in India will direct their IT spending budgets towards accelerating digitization efforts. Spending is expected to increase on technologies including advanced analytical solutions, access management, encryption software, desktop as a service, cloud, and hyper-automation enabling systems. IT solutions such as robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and digital commerce will also experience an increase in spending.


The AI makes adjustments to improve the quality of automation. A recent report from Kaspersky states on the vision on Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) in 2021, laying out how the landscape of targeted attacks will change in the coming months. The turmoil experienced in 2020 will bring along many structural and strategic changes, not just in our daily lives but in the realm of targeted attacks too, not in the least due to the now broadened attack surface. New attack vectors, such as the targeting of network appliances and the search for 5G vulnerabilities, will happen alongside multi-stage attacks and positive actions against activities enabling cyberattacks, such as zero-day sales.


IT spending forecast methodology relies heavily on rigorous analysis of sales by thousands of vendors across the entire range of IT products and services to build a comprehensive database of market size data on which to base its forecast. The survey further says, the quarterly IT spending forecast delivers a unique perspective on IT spending across the hardware, software, IT services and telecommunications segments.


Hence, there will be more disruptive attacks, resulted from a directed orchestrated attack designed to affect critical infrastructure or collateral damage, as our lives have become even more dependent on technology with a much wider attack surface than ever before and with the emergence of 5G vulnerabilities, more devices become dependent on the connectivity it provides, attackers will have a greater incentive to look for vulnerabilities that they can exploit.





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