Boarding process at airports to become paperless soon

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The Central Government has decided to make the boarding process at airport completely paperless. The Ministry of Aviation is in the process of linking the databases of airlines and airports with passenger IDs like Aadhaar and passport numbers.


After the process gets completed, passengers will be required to use biometrics to prove identity and the need to show ID cards will go away. The airline will show the complete passenger details and there will be no need to issue e-tickets.


The database will also provide information about the check in details of the passenger as well as his security check status.


“We have set up a special unit in Airports Authority of India for giving shape to this ‘digi yatra’ programme. Airport operators, especially from Bangalore and Hyderabad, are part of this as they have done a lot of work in this field. We will soon know the indicative cost of the project and time frame in which it can be implemented,” said Aviation Secretary R N Choubey.


This new move will also ensure that passengers are allowed near the boarding gates closer to the flight departure only.

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