Canon India celebrates International Women’s Day across the country

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Canon India has considered its employees its biggest asset. The organization makes dedicated efforts to ensure gender equality within the organization and its internal committee of WE signifying ‘women empowerment’ constantly focuses towards ensuring fair and balanced opportunities and pay for all its employees, irrespective of their gender, nationality, caste, or diversity of any form.


On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the organization spread this message amongst its followers on social media, with a digital campaign ‘WE at Canon India Balance for Better’. The digital campaign is an endeavour by the organization to salute the spirit of women and encourage fair and equal practices, across the world. Especially curated digital film brings together Canon India leaders including Kazutada Kobayashi, President & CEO, Shikha Rai, Vice President HR and Gary Lee, Vice President & CFO. The global campaign ‘Balance for Better’ urges the world to remove all gender biases and work together towards a balanced world. Through its campaign, Canon India integrates this imperative message and encourages its audience to work towards the cause. 


Speaking about the significance of its women workforce, on this International Women’s Day, Kazutada Kobayashi, President & CEO, Canon India, said, “At Canon, we are guided by our corporate philosophy of ‘Kyosei’, which means living and working together for the common good. We care for our employees and they are the pillars of our success story. Bringing in employees with different backgrounds and unique skillsets allows us to be increasingly innovative and more progressive in our approach to business challenges. We are proud to lead a culture of equal advancement and empowerment of women, especially during this notable moment in women’s history. Our commitment to gender equality and the advancement of women is fundamental to how we live our values.”


Woman leader at the organization and a role model to many, Shikha Rai, Vice President, HR, Canon India, said, “At Canon India, fair, transparent, equitable practices with no prejudices and biases support our vision of being an organization respected for promoting diversity and inclusion. International Women’s Day is a reminder to question stereotypes, to provide equal opportunities and to be the change agents. It is for each one of us to take that one bold step and champion a cause that brings us closer to equality. Gender sensitization workshops, post maternity transition support by way of flexibility in office timing and part time options, day care support to young parents, reviewing of process of recruitments and appraisals are some of our key endeavors in this space. At Canon, we have zero tolerance to any kind of discrimination or harassment. We have the Internal Committee and the Discipline committee for redressal of any complaints.”


This Womens’s Day, WE@Canon is looking forward to make its women staff feel special. The senior management doing a ‘Good Morning walk’ and wishing them, inspirational books & videos, sharing stories by staff of ‘the woman who has made a difference in their life’ and encouraging women staff to take the preventive health check sponsored by the company are few initiatives lined up.

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