Urgency In Refuelling Digital Transformation For Customizing Needs

There is a huge gap between Pre and Post COVID-19, manufacturers were taking measured steps towards digital transformation and Industry 4.0. The pandemic has changed that. Instead of a “good to have” option, technologies that digitize assets, automate operations, and bring in efficiencies and innovation in the system have become critical for survival and recovery.   Digital transformation projects are returning as organisations realise that improvements in productivity and customer engagement are now even more important – providing that the work can be done remotely and there’s still cash to pay for…

Changing Dynamics Of Cybersecurity In The Age of Coronavirus

COVID-19 has put the world at a slow pace in all aspects of human life and the world continues to live under the cloud of uncertainties and fear arising because of the COVID-19 outbreak, its impact on everyone’s psychology, health issues and behavior issues are unimaginable.   To keep everyone connected in the current situation, growing technological advancements and internet penetration are driving enterprises to invest more into cybersecurity. Digitization across enterprises is prone to cyber threats and information breach. Hence, enterprises are investing heavily in cybersecurity tools. The companies are deploying…

The Changing Face of Cybercrime Amidst Global Pandemic

The state of the global economy has placed more pressure than ever on the resiliency of IT stacks, as data is the new fuel and data decoders are here to stay in the highly competitive landscape.   Twitter India is making a mechanism against the social media accounts in order to stop hatred, fake, instigative and other news which violates the law of the country. The total number of twitter handles in India are around 35 million and total number of Facebook accounts are 350 million and experts say that around…

Waiting For A Cybersecurity disaster to happen

There have been over 5.2 crore cyber-attacks happened between the months of January to March in India. The covid-19 crisis has redefined how we work and communicate with each other. While technology has ensured business continuity, it has opened a pandora box of sorts. At one end, it has resulted in faster adoption of digital banking and other technologies, and at the other end, it has made us vulnerable to cyber-attacks and online frauds.   The pace of innovation today is higher than ever before and India ranks fourth in cyberattacks…

Newer Technology Solutions To Ensure Business Continuity During COVID-19

Many organisations are working in India by turning the present crisis into an opportunities as the Nations across the Globe have gone into lockdown and people are struggling to find ways to fight the disease and its spread. The Covid-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted markets all over the world, and the electronics sector is no exception. Almost all product families contributed to this negative result.    We have witnessed the huge positive impact of Work From Home (WFH) on organizational survivability, enabled by technology, at Global Scale. Overnight, millions of white-…

A question arises on how would be the future of the workplace ?

Digital transformation may be more critical than ever. Many enterprises had realised the fact on their investment into digital transformation prior to the pandemic are now in a much better position to continue operating smoothly. If businesses are going to be successful in the post-pandemic market, digital transformation will be the key.   As the spread of COVID-19 slows down and is contained across the country, a question looming on everyone’s minds  on how their plans will evolve for the long term. What will start, stop, or continue after the crisis eases? And what would be the…

Technology has made organizations more dependent by using facial recognition

In the midst of what is termed the Fourth Industrial Revolution is changing the digital world and face recognition is one of them , the world has seen unprecedented advances that have come together to impact everyday life like never before. The convergence of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and many related innovations in the past five years has brought about profound change and disruption to countries, industries and the people who are part of them. In many ways, the future looks bright.   A recent announcement…

Modernize the IT Strategy To Navigate COVID-19 and Beyond

Organizations across the globe have asked their workforce to work from home. Security becomes even more important for remote users. Various OEMs are offering digital workspace solutions for a number of organizations including large banks, and educational institutions, but rapidly evolving global events have created an unprecedented requirement for remote working solutions at unprecedented scale with the balancing act of maintaining business continuity while keeping data secure at all endpoints.   We are witnessing what will surely be remembered as a historic deployment of remote work and digital access to…

Growing cyberattacks is a raising concern, it’s time to evaluate cloud-first strategy

The pandemic has completely changed the way people approach remote work, and businesses have had to accommodate this new landscape. Millennials want to grow their business network, however, it is increasingly important for business leaders to understand how to communicate and connect with this age group. It is critical in times like these to ensure continuity of operations and a smooth recovery process even if it means working remotely.   Today, more than ever, the cloud is a partner to businesses enabling them to function by relying less on local…

Automation & AI are becoming the main drivers for many business

The Coronavirus pandemic has compelled organizations to shift to a remote working model overnight. As a result, organizations are frantically moving towards cloud computing and software products. As per a new IDC report, 64% of organizations in India are expected to increase their demand for cloud computing, while 56% are expected to demand for cloud software to support the new normal.   In this technology-dominated era, automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming the main drivers for many businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated digitalisation by putting “remote everything”…