CropIn Technologies becomes the technology partner in a PPP project for sustainable livelihood

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CropIn Technologies are the chosen technology partners in a public private partnership project of the Government of India and World Bank for Sustainable Livelihoods and Adaption to Climate Change (SLACC) Project. The intent of the SLACC project is to improve the capability of the farming community to adapt to the climatic changes & unpredictability, thus making a difference to their lives which depend on farming.


CropIn’s digital solutions have been validated after scaling the pilots which were implemented in four chosen districts of Bihar & Madhya Pradesh. Here the solutions were tested for their effectiveness to generate climate resilient solutions for farming needs. In the coming year, 90,000 farm plots in SLACC areas in both states will be audited and tracked across the kharif and rabi seasons for the major crops.


The crop advisories from CropIn include crop management, pest & disease prediction and management practices, nutrient management practices, soil and water management practices and most importantly weather forecast and actionable insights to mitigate the climatic uncertainties. The climate-smart advisory module from CropIn develops season-wise crop configurations for all the major crops and provides weather-based advisory to SLACC farmers in the local Hindi language on predictive and curative measures promoting sustainable agriculture practices.


Web- and mobile-based advisory dashboards have been developed to enable the Village Resource Professionals (VRP’s) get important insights around sowing, soil health, seed treatment, recommendation for harvesting fertilizer, and seven-day weather forecasts derived from the best available weather observations systems and forecast models. This data is then downscaled at the farm plot level to help smallholder farmers make effective decisions for their crops. The module also considers technical inputs in real time from agriculture experts in state research institutions and farm alerts from village resource professionals to develop these practical agro-advisories.


“For a farmer, the reward comes in after a long period of hardships and uncertainties. One of the primal challenges here is the climatic vagaries which can ruin an entire season’s crop and leave the farmer destitute and penniless. It is through the SLACC project & NRLP, that CropIn has been building climatic resilience for regions like Madhya Pradesh & Bihar which has enhanced the lives of more than 10,000 farmers,” says Kunal Prasad, Co-Founder & COO – CropIn Technology Solutions.

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