Does software companies collect data in Devices ???

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It is not necessary to know who are the software companies is stealing your data. It is not fair to blame only facebook, Twitter and WhatApp for stealing your data for business continuity or to give better service by understanding the user’s behaviour. The fact is they would require to understand your behaviour then only they can suggest the best. Like through machine learning, machine is learning us on our behaviour and attitude.


Today’s every software company is developing their products based on artificial Intelligence(AI) including Microsoft, Google, Apple and Amazon etc. Secondly, another interesting thing is by see the power of a simple, antivirus software , which is a software program that spreads from one computer to another and interferes with computer operation. The computer virus could corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an email program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk.

Internet of things(IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) are the two tools for companies in data capture and analysis, from better understanding day-to-day operations, making business decisions and learning about their customers. Computer viruses are frequently spread by attachments in email messages or by instant messaging messages. Therefore, you must never open an email attachment unless you know who sent the message . Viruses can be disguised as attachments of funny images, greeting cards, or audio and video files. Viruses also spread through downloads on the Internet. They can be hidden in pirated software or in other files or programs that you might download.


Every person has different level of privacy and it doesn’t have any defination , it will vary from person to person and privacy is the biggest concern with every individual who are exposed to the internet and even opening of an email address. We do not have privacy anymore. Sadly, many companies are collecting data from us, and we cannot do anything to stop them. Now even few antivirus companies are collecting our data and selling it to make more money.


Even Microsoft website says, Windows 10 delivers comprehensive, built-in and ongoing security protections that you can trust – including Windows Defender anti-virus, firewall and more. By staying up to date, you’re assured of the latest features and protection – at no extra cost to you.


Spyware is an industry wide challenge, and it is encouraging to see Microsoft take strong action to protect Windows users and Microsoft’s investment in GIANT Company means Windows customers will benefit from our anti-spyware technology, which puts the control of software back into the hands of users where it belongs


It further says, “includes data that is vital to the operation of Windows. We use this data to help keep Windows and apps secure, up-to-date, and running properly when you let Microsoft know the capabilities of your device, what is installed, and whether Windows is operating correctly. This option also includes basic error reporting back to Microsoft.


Antivirus programs need to be constantly updated for virus definitions. Having an outdated antivirus software is as good as not having any. Antivirus software scans all the files that you open from the back-end and comparing specific bits of code against information in its database and if it finds a pattern duplicating one in the database, it is considered a virus, and it will quarantine or delete that particular file for safeguarding the computer from threats and other malicious attacks.


With the above challenge keeping in mind, could we stop the propagation of IPV4 address and the accessibility to TCP/IP protocol for any external or third party application except the native applications. Whereas, other application should utilise HTTP,HTTPS ,SOAP and FTP protocol for their execution without / with a permission to specific port only. No admin/system control should be provided to any third party application itself, except the NETWORK permission. Till then wait and watch…

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