India’s Diplomatic Stand at Swiss Summit on Ukraine Peace

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  • India abstained from signing Ukraine peace communique
  • 83 states signed the joint communique
  • Russia did not attend the Swiss summit

India asserted its diplomatic position at the ‘High-Level Conference on Peace in Ukraine’ held in Switzerland, abstaining from signing the joint communique alongside other nations. This move underscored India’s emphasis on sincere and practical engagement between Russia and Ukraine as crucial for achieving a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Here’s an expanded overview of India’s stance and the outcomes of the summit:

Pavan Kapoor, Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs, led India’s delegation at the summit hosted in Burgenstock, Switzerland. The event convened representatives from over 100 countries and organizations, including several heads of state, to discuss strategies for resolving the Ukraine crisis.

India’s participation aimed to explore pathways towards a negotiated settlement for the complex issue in Ukraine. Secretary Pavan Kapoor reiterated India’s commitment to diplomacy and dialogue as essential tools for achieving lasting peace.

India made it clear that it did not align itself with any communique or document issued at the summit. This decision highlighted India’s cautious approach in endorsing international positions on sensitive geopolitical matters. Secretary Pavan Kapoor reiterated India’s stance on peace through engagement, stressing that sustainable peace can only be achieved through sincere and practical dialogue between the conflicting parties.

India expressed solidarity with global concerns over the situation in Ukraine. It affirmed its support for collective efforts aimed at facilitating a peaceful resolution to the conflict while advocating for inclusivity in peace negotiations.

The joint communique, signed by 83 states and organizations, reaffirmed commitments to uphold the principles of sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity for all states, including Ukraine. It condemned the use of force against the political independence of any state. The primary objective of the summit was to inspire a future peace process by bringing together diverse stakeholders and fostering dialogue on strategies to resolve the Ukraine conflict peacefully.

India’s decision not to sign the joint communique reflected its independent foreign policy stance. It demonstrated India’s commitment to evaluating international initiatives based on its national interests and principles. The summit concluded with plans for concrete future steps, including continued engagement with all parties involved in the Ukraine conflict. The focus remained on promoting dialogue and consensus-building efforts to achieve sustainable peace.

India’s participation at the ‘High-Level Conference on Peace in Ukraine’ exemplifies its proactive engagement in global security issues through principled diplomacy and constructive dialogue. By advocating for inclusive peace processes and abstaining from endorsing specific international declarations, India navigated the complex dynamics of global diplomacy while asserting its commitment to peaceful conflict resolution. The summit outcomes underscore ongoing international efforts to address geopolitical challenges through multilateral cooperation and dialogue, reflecting a shared commitment to global peace and stability.

(With inputs from agencies)

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