Lybrate facilitating people with Diabetes to consult doctors online

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India is touted as the ‘Diabetes Capital of the World’ with over 70 million diabetics in the country. According to the Indian Institute of Public Health (IIPH), the number of diabetics in the country is projected to grow to 120 million in the next 20 years.


What compounds the fact is that a majority of those with the condition is not aware about it, preventing them from visiting a specialist on time and manage the condition. Those living with diabetes must constantly monitor their diet, lifestyle, and glucose levels. The simple bottleneck sometimes is to even go to a doctor for a check-up or consultation, because of the time constraint in metro cities or because of unavailability of quality doctors in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities.


Online doctor consultation platforms like Lybrate are fixing the gap by allowing people to consult doctors online from anywhere, anytime. With Lybrate people have found a medium to consult over 1500 Endocrinologists, General Physicians specializing in Diabetes, and diabetologists available on the platform. As Lybrate is trying to push preventive mindset, the platform also facilitates lab tests. People can opt for at-home lab tests through Lybrate Lab+, a service directly linked to the mobile app. This has enabled people to get lab tests done for diabetes, get their reports online and consult doctors on the platform.


“When it comes to diabetes, Lybrate is pushing people to take their health seriously. The platform is using technology to make quality healthcare accessible to people in the country. Shortage of time or unavailability of good doctors can’t become a bottleneck in taking a timely action when it comes to health. Diabetes is a most common health issue in the country. And Lybrate helps people to consult doctors online, get lab tests done with a sample pickup and consult doctors online to take informed decisions and control diabetes or health issues related to sugar levels effectively,” said Saurabh Arora, Founder & CEO, Lybrate.


Over 70,000 interactions on Diabetes happen monthly on the Lybrate platform. Lybrate’s unique Health Feed, consisting of health tips from doctors themselves and questions that are being discussed on the platform, provides opportunity to any user to stay aware and updated about issues related to Diabetes and take corrective measures.

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