Only 16% of Indians trust social media companies with their personal data ________________________________________

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As the world continues to struggle with pandemic-driven turbulence and restrictions.The current scenario requires us to be adaptable and cope with challenges by learning new skills and adopting modern technology. The new-age technologies, especially developed during the pandemic, has not only allowed us to grow but also ensured safety and ease of doing business while achieving the set targets.


With these changing times, consumer needs have also changed. It is imperative that we adopt a tech-led and digital-first approach for an improved consumer experience. The survival of youth in this competitive landscape completely depends on the vigor to gain more knowledge, focus on consistent upskilling sessions, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and develop the ability to unlearn and relearn fresh information.


India is fast becoming the world’s youngest country with almost 64 percent of its population being below the age of 25-26. This also means that in the coming decade the country we will see its potential workforce touching a billion. Industry will need to create more jobs each month to keep employment rates constant.


 A survey reveals that, only 16% of Indians feel they can trust social media companies with their personal data, whereas Poland rank number one as 32% of Poles trust social media companies with their personal data and Germany (12%) and Indonesia (12%) are among the other countries where over 11% of citizens have confidence in social media companies ability to handle their personal data diligently  and surprisingly, Brits and Italians are the most sceptical, as only 3% of citizens from each country have faith in social media companies’ ability to manage their personal data in a competent and ethical way, as per report.



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