This US College to offer pornography course despite social media backlash

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A college in the US is offering a course on pornography! Yes, you heard it right.

As a part of this course, which is titled Film 300O: Porn, students will “watch pornographic films together and discuss sexualisation of race, class and gender” and as an experimental, radical art form.

According to the catalogue of the Westminster College course, the elective course will study “hardcore pornography”, which is “as American as apple pie as and more popular than Sunday night football”. It further stated that its approach to this billion-dollar industry is as both a cultural phenomenon that reflects and reinforces sexual inequalities (but holds the potential to challenge sexual and gender norms) and as an art form that requires serious contemplation.

Westminster College in Utah has said it will stand by its plan to offer an elective class on pornography during the upcoming May term despite social media backlash, Deseret News reported. The liberal arts college in Salt Lake City stoked a controversy after the class listing for the pornography elective was shared on Twitter.

“We have no intention to back away from offering this class. By and large, the campus community is supportive of that academic freedom and Westminster’s commitment to talking about tough subjects,” said Westminster College’s chief marketing officer Sheila Yorkin on Thursday.

According to USA Today, 14 students had signed up for the class as of three days ago. Yorkin said the course has been offered in the past as well.

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