Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone while on a dinner date on Saturday met with the badminton star PV Sindhu at a restaurant in Mumbai. Ranveer clicked a selfie of the trio and shared it on Instagram. In the picture, the stars are seen flashing smiles. Photographers were seen clicking them while coming out of the restaurant. Sindhu commented on the photo saying that she had a “lovely” time with the couple. “Looking forward to see you soon,” she wrote with a hug emoji. She also shared the selfie with…
Month: September 2021
Dr. Sameer Sharma appointed as the Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh
Sameer Sharma, the Special Chief Secretary, a 1985-batch IAS officer, has been elevated to the position of Chief Secretary of Andhra Pradesh. He will take charge of the post from October 10. Sameer will be replacing Aditya Nath Das, who is due to retire on September 30. Sameer is presently the Special Chief Secretary of Planning and Resource Mobilisation. He had also worked as the Commissioner of Hyderabad, Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporations earlier. He was the Director of the Smart Cities Mission of Government of India,…
₹ 321 Crore “Fibernet Scam” in Andhra Pradesh
The FiberNet project is meant to provide Internet and telephone services to all households in the state, as part of the Bharat Net project of the Government of India. The Centre initially provided financial assistance of ₹ 3,840 crore for the FiberNet project under the National Optic Fibre Network. The Crime Investigation Department (CID) of Andhra Pradesh has registered an FIR on the alleged irregularities in AP State FiberNet Limited (APSFL), putting the sum involved at ₹ 321 crore. In the FIR registered on September 9, the CID has…
Sports Ministry announces free registration for 2 lakh school students for Fit India Quiz
The Fit India Quiz, the first-ever fitness and sports quiz in India for school children has been made even more attractive for participants. In a major bonanza for school students across India, the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has announced that the first 2 lakh students nominated by 1 lakh schools can now be registered free for the nationwide India Quiz instead of participation fee of Rs 225, that was earlier applicable. Every school can nominate maximum 2 students for free for the quiz on first cum first basis.…
RT-PCR method in rural and tribal areas for faster, citizen-friendly COVID-19 : Union Minister Nitin Gadkar
In a notable step forward in India’s fight against COVID-19, Nagpur-based National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has transferred the know-how of indigenously developed Saline Gargle RT-PCR technique, used for testing COVID-19 samples. The Saline Gargle RT-PCR technology is simple, fast, cost-effective, patient-friendly and comfortable; it also provides instant test results and is well-suited for rural and tribal areas, given minimal infrastructure requirements. CSIR-NEERI stated that the innovation developed by the institute has been ‘dedicated to the nation’ to serve the society.…
Records broken, airport submerged, roads inundated… Still below normal rain in 4 districts of Delhi
Despite record rain in the capital, rainfall in four districts has been below normal. That is, the capital has not received the same rain everywhere. While North Delhi has received 108 percent more rainfall than normal, North-East Delhi has received 31 percent less rainfall than normal. This is when after the heavy rains in Delhi on Saturday, the airport was flooded, the roads were flooded and the record of 77 years of rain was also broken. According to experts, there is usually not much fluctuation in the rainfall graph in…
UP government to distribute one lakh tablets to workers under skill development drive
As part of a skill development mission, the Uttar Pradesh government is set to distribute one lakh tablets to skilled workers, in a bid to help them hone their skills and perform better. The state government has also launched a ‘seva mitra’ service – an online portal that helps workers find employment – which is currently being trialed in a few districts. The portal is in addition to a call centre that serves the same purpose. Skilled workers seeking a job can apply through this portal or they…
Vice President calls upon large institutions and government organisations to adopt sustainable energy practices in their operations
The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu today called upon large institutions and public sector organisations to strive towards sustainability in their operations by using renewable energy. He suggested greater adoption of rooftop solar plants in industries and big establishments like universities and government buildings and godowns. In this regard, Shri Naidu appealed to all states and local bodies to consider adopting the model building by-laws for new buildings. He also advocated the need to make solar rooftop plants, solar water heaters and rainwater harvesting mandatory for large buildings…
Centre enhances financial support to open Ayush colleges from Rs 9 crore to Rs 70 crore
The central government has increased the financial support from Rs nine crore to Rs 70 crore to ensure more Ayush colleges are opened across the country, Union Minister for Ayush and Ports, Shipping & Waterways, Sarbananda Sonowal, said on Saturday. The Minister was addressing a conference on ‘Diverse and Fulfilling Career Paths in Ayush Systems: Education, Entrepreneurship & Employment Focus on North eastern States’ in Guwahati. The Union minister said that there are only a few Ayush colleges in the North-East and the Indian traditional medicine systems can only be popularised by making…
John Kerry on a 3-day visit to India to discuss clean energy transition
John Kerry, U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate will be in India from Sept. 12-14. He will travel to the country “to discuss efforts to raise global climate ambition and speed India’s clean energy transition,” the State Department said on Friday. The department further said in a statement that on his visit, Kerry will meet with his Indian counterparts and private sector leaders. U.S. is participating in the 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties (or COP26) to be held in Glasgow from Oct. 31-Nov…