Canon India Celebrates 1st anniversary of adoption of Sol Gohalia village Kolkata

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Commenced in 2012, Canon India’s flagship CSR initiative, ‘Adopt a Village’, today includes four adopted villages, leading to the initiatives pan India outreach. This is yet another milestone in Canon India’s flagship programme ‘Adopt a Village’, which focuses on holistic development of village dwellers. Sol Gohalia, home to nearly 4500 people, who earn their livelihood from daily labour, irrigation and small businesses, has received continued improvisation in four key areas, including eye care, education, environment, leading to overall empowerment. Sol Gohalia was joined to the Canon family with a mission to redefine the lives of people in and around the village by providing them with facilities for a well-developed and sustainable living. To mention a few, capacity building in the school has led to students returning to the village school to enjoy better classroom infrastructure, clean drinking water supply, a resource centre with a non-formal education teacher to impart computer literacy, art and craft skills and encouraging sports among the students of all grades along with a vision centre for better eye care services.

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